
This is all I see when I look at the new Ghostbusters pictures and I feel fine :D

I like that the man who filmed the video was all dad-joke “Ropes are lookin’ a little frayed! Hurdy hurr hurrrrrr.” :|

Thanks for that vid. But I don't even have to see it. Any one with even an ounce of human compassion already knows this and should seriously think about the concept of slavery through the ages (all creeds all colors all races all genders). What is it that encourages a man to believe that another man (or especially a

Will it feature Hello Katya, best comrade forever, to balance out Hello Kitty’s decadent capitalism?

Sort of. Except “ghosting” on the person you live with and have 3 children with isn’t really like, “ghosting” so much as “walking out the door leaving reams of psychological issues behind you, as opposed to just emotionally confusing one adult.” So I would actually say no, not ghosting. Just regular asshole-ing.

On so many levels. I hope that if there is an afterlife Whitney and Bobbi Christina will be united in comfort, peace, love and security and maybe watch over Bobby and even Nick a little. Not even about whether or not they “deserve” it. They definitely need it.

The hottest new thing in Moniga del Garda is La Scaletta. It has everything. Waiters that whisper the specials breathlessly in your ear, pizza cubes, chairs made of shitty tippers, entitlement cocktails, lamps that look like upside-down boobs, ice with messages inside about everything you did wrong in your childhood,

Please tell me they at least made the reviews sound like something Stefan would write. It seems like a waste to just make a regular review.

“I’ve always been raised as being currently a 26-year-old,”

Also this set picture is pretty definitive proof:

My favorite part of this is the guy behind him too cool for school with his sunglasses on indoors. And as soon as he realizes what Obama is singing - the glasses go away and there are tears in his eyes.

also, HE IS CLEARLY MARRIED and she STILL doesn’t get that at the end, which is mind-blowing. like, thats not an engagement party, sweetie.

Stop eating so much chith and the inches will melt right off.

“You know, I usually like really skinny, pretty Barbie doll types, but I really like you. You are so real and low maintenance. I like how you don’t put so much into your appearance. You’re so real.” After I had spent 2 hours getting ready for this date...

Grinning and conspiratorial, all kinetic limbs and generous laughter,

Only if it was his ghost

“Going with the natural look...”