I love Channing Tatum because he slakes my lust for a “down ass white boy” in way I will never have again with the problematic Mark Wahlberg.
I love Channing Tatum because he slakes my lust for a “down ass white boy” in way I will never have again with the problematic Mark Wahlberg.
Are you fucking kidding me?! If I had a dollar for every time somebody made a derogatory racial comment, realized they were with me, and said, “I didn’t mean you. You’re different”, Bill Gates would be looking up at me on the Forbes leaderboard. And it hurt. Every.Fucking.Time.
I said I’ve experienced more than people I know, not all people of color. I’m not arrogant enough to make that claim. And it is true, I’ve discussed this issue with my friends and family and I’ve had more experiences with it than a majority of them have. But whatever, clearly you want to pull out our Hispanic cocks…
WOW. way to be a part of the problem.
I understand what you’re saying but I think it’s a little arrogant to imply it was any less painful for me to hear those things simply because it wasn’t directed at me.
I’m 100% Hispanic but am very light skinned and grew up with a white last name (long story) but I think I’m just as capable of experiencing racial discrimination as my darker brothers and sisters. Because many white people have assumed I’m white, I’ve been privy to their racist comments against minorities because…
See this makes me wonder, was she ever trying to pass? Or did she just hang around Black people for long enough that people just started assuming she was Black and she never bothered to correct them?
We need a Lifetime movie to sort this hot-ass mess out. I suggest casting Emma Stone, she’s the only actress who could…
Ain’t that the Toni wig? Just got back from the store looking for one.
They sure had some high hopes for that.
Man, how do all these people in the comments not know about Gucci Mane?!
Exactly. No necks and hands is a super common rule among artists, and many of them do it for personal reasons (ie. regret, whatever) and for protecting the shop (it opens up a certain amount of liability if someone claims down the line they can’t get a job because of a tattoo you did).
I understand why this was an upsetting experience, but tattoo artists refuse jobs all the time for all sorts of reasons. Many have a no necks, no hands policy - it’s quite common. And, as you discovered, what’s off-limits to one artist is totally okay with another - you were able to get exactly what you wanted in the…
Yes, and this slobberfest around Schumer is going to keep on going. Not only are people who call her the greatest or just the best going to ignore her racist stand up, but they will also try to push any conversation around it to the background so they can keep raving about her.
Oh man, you could suction knee-high Barbie boots onto your lips or the tip of your tongue and freak the shit out of your mom. GOOD TIMES.
I used to chew the shoes.
Wait, peanut butter isn’t considered healthy??? Huh?
Bread to go along with the potato? Say what now?