
You’re not the only one, on the link someone posted:

Seriously. The powers that be have been way too kind to Pearl. She’s just underwhelming in almost every way, and I would have loved a double elimination last night.

Oh it’s there

I saw it.

I saw that too, but I might be projecting.

Dear god, the three seconds it took for that guy to realize just exactly what his coworker was about to say to when she said it just extended my life a good 20-25 years.

My heart wants to believe that there was just a glimmer of “what the fuck, what did you just say” in the guys face once those words left her mouth.

Ginger and Katya stole this challenge. It was hard for me to choose between those two. They were amazing. This was a standout, even though the songs lacked luster. (Seriously, Lucian Piane is not that good you guys.) They were brilliant in their roles, and elevated this crummy season. Those two have to be in the final

I was just talking about this the other day. How advertisements for female products basically created all modern female insecurities about beauty, hair, motherhood, marriage, and how women still need the media’s permission to feel ok with themselves (“please more ads with fat women, please no more skinny girls!”).

Greg Howard is natural PO-lice!

What seems weird about it to me is him flattening the universe to put Jordan and Ali on the same continuum. It’s not that one or the other of them is/was “bigger” than the other; they’re famous and culturally significant in completely different ways. The scale on which Ali is “bigger” than Jordan

I don’t know. I feel like this says less about Whitlock himself and more about the pitfalls of giving a columnist with no experience running anything on their own their own vanity site and vast resources to back it. Grantland is probably more of the exception than the rule and it’s far from perfect.

For every douche here who is complaining that this is pointless, who cares, and so on: This site really needs to happen, and it will fail because Whitlock is an bloviating egomaniac who can’t see the big picture. And when it does, there won’t be another chance for a good long time, and so it matters that Whitlock is

But who will poison the Latino Kotaku?

“Eat on Monday what everyone forgot they put in the fridge on Friday.”

That’s not GLaDOS? I liked the original, I liked the DNA remix and this isn’t terrible but it doesn’t really add anything to it other than the weird break with the robot man talking about love which seems like an odd choice in a song that’s just a series of observations of what’s happening while sitting in a diner.

Kylie is not Tyga’s “new partner” in this scenario. The issue is that you do not introduce the people you are dating to your children until you know that person is going to be around for the long haul. It does a lot of harm to children, especially very young children, when someone who seems to love and care for them

Tyga did what with her son? God bless. Chyna. Cuz if that had been me, I would be like girl hold my lipstick while I go kill my son’s father

I'll have to wait until they make a knock-off to sell at the Family Dollar, but when the time comes, I'll send pics.

I have a dirty confession...I think these dresses are cute as shit. They remind me of the shifts Mia Farrow wore in Rosemary's Baby.

But alas, I am poor, fat, white trash. Maybe if I throw a NASCAR jacket over one of them?