

Weird how they ALL look like they're trying to make boners vs "have sex."

Do me next Mr. Graham!

I contend that 30 Rock was quite often like "this" as well.

It's a shame the show is so insanely racist we couldn't finish it. Some outlets have picked up on this, while others have chosen to strangely ignore it. We've got two hispanic women in the show and they're both maids. There's no joke. No commentary. They're just maids. You've got an Asian guy named "Dong" with broken

Nah it goes:

What if his mother suffered from addiction issues and Whitney was the lesser of two evils? What if she is clean now? I don't know. What I do know is that we live in a gray world, when most would prefer black and white. I also try not to judge people who I know nothing about.

Say what you will about Wendy Williams, but she addressed this the other day on her show. She pointed out that it's highly suspect that mom has come out of the woodwork to parade around TV with her son . . . when mom left her son to be raised by a known drug addict for his entire life.

So, he has a mom. Why was he 'adopted' by Whitney?

"That song goes, 'Ding, ding, ding, da-ding-da." Mine goes, "Ding, Ding, ding, da-ding-da, DING, DING, da-ding-da, ding, ding. See it's not the same!"

I used to be an insufferable prick. Then, I bought an iWatch and now all I can talk about is this incredible piece of technology attached to my arm that also communicates with my iPhone while backing up all the while to my iCloud on my iMac, which also cost about $3,000 but it was totally worth it because my entire

Y'know, I train and wrangle animals for commercials and film and I will say that their job— and mine— is a hell of a lot harder than an actor's.

The possibilities are endless...

"a normal haistyle?" We're doing this now?

I'd really love to see Jezebel and its commenters jettison the ageism along with body shaming. This attitude toward Madonna that she is old, dried up, worthless can't really be separated from sexism either. Criticize her actions, fine, but don't attack her for her age and changing face and body.

That's such a cute picture.

been dere done dat

Perhaps Amal has a picture of Kim on her wall to inspire her to be a strong woman, ala Beyonce.

because he's

And she won and looked super together to me.