
Only anti-vaxxers and other crazies. The rest of us just worry about the bills man, the bills.

This actually made me cry. I am crying.


You are clearly going out of your way to sound like you are chill, but judging by the sheer volume of your inane defensive posts, you are anything but chill. Tracy makes an argument. Most of which is backed up by ZERO science. If you read her previous post on the topic, you will see that evo psych was proven right,

But statistical evidence only gains meaning from context, and is shaky ground from which to make blanket claims. That’s why we know it’s bullshit when a racist asshole says “Black people are more violent than white people! Statistics show they disproportionately commit violent crimes!”

ungrey pls

Y do u think maturity gets you anything on this website?

What you say makes sense in itself. The problem is that it’s not remotely relevant to this article or my comment. Firstly, you gotta be having a laugh implying that this article in any way constitutes “statistical evidence”. It’s entirely anecdotal. There’s no attempt to give evidence. Obviously the men who approach

thank you - this needed to be said badly. Then again, this is gawker media. Ridiculously biased. I have had many an encounter when I was simply striking up standard conversation with no intent on “taking them home” or asking them out when they thought I was trying to hit on them. If at all possible, refrain from

“Why, in your brain, is it a somehow invalid or pathetic response to criticise a blanket statement? “

Ooh real mature. This WAS a blanket statement though. Hey Men: Why do you?... Vs Hey Women: Why do you?... seems to yield a different, polar opposite reaction. I’m NOT an MRA, but damn, this is why some people think feminism is so vitriolic.

But the article made a statement about all men. Why, in your brain, is it a somehow invalid or pathetic response to criticise a blanket statement?

Congratulations. you’ve won the race to the bottom.

No, I actually agree. some of what he did was good. some of what he did was bad, and some of it falls along a very gray area. what matters is that what he did was beyond question, against the law, and not just any law, but a law he willingly subjected himself to as a condition of his employment. You can’t just get a

Everyone clicked on this because they thought they were gonna see a nip slip

Next time you have a thought..... Just let it go.... Stop talking, Bad for the team.

3 bottle rockets DO NOT EQUAL a stick of dynamite.... That is crazy sauce. Bottle rockets are usually made from black powder. Dynamite is make with nitroglycerin. Whole different level of boom...

This is a bottle rocket, not an IED. I agree a stick of dynamite or a concussion grenade could clear out a pond. A bottle rocket might kill fish within a couple inches — maybe.

It’s actually not a great way to kill all the fish, because it won’t. Stupid comment.

Yeah, one little bottle rocket killed ALL THE FISH IN THE LAKE. Get the sand out of your vag.