
Haha seriously? Does Yahoo have its own reporters or does it just aggregate from other sites? I never considered Yahoo as a major source of news.

The fact that people still read articles on Yahoo crushed all my faith in humanity. We are fucked.

Kind of cool. But I’m not sure how useful it is, because I can signal that I’m braking with a hand signal for cars and a vocal cue for cyclists. Plus, since it’s only lit while braking, it won’t be a replacement for your regular tail light. And at $10, it’s cheaper than most regular bike tail lights, and that makes me

Sorry, I meant to reply sooner. Yeah, the spacers are for comfort. Removing them will make allow you to get into a lower, more aero position. Obviously, the lower position requires more flexibility and core strength and, to some degree, sacrifices comfort for performance. You can remove them without worries. You can

Phone for sleeping isn’t great because it won’t track my sleep automatically and the information from the accelerometer would be useless because I share my bed with my partner. Chest strap for riding is fine, but wearing a chest strap all day sucks. And, without continuous HR tracking, I wouldn’t have accurate caloric

Fitness trackers. I’m a cyclist who rides a few thousand miles in training and competes in a handful of races each year. I’m looking for a fitness tracker that will calculate my calories from activity while off the bike, automatically upload to MyFitnessPal, continuously and accurately keep track of my HR, replace my

Unless it’s a great frame that you really love I would get a new bike. If you do decide to upgrade the groupset, it’s best to buy your parts from a British or European site as its a lot cheaper than buying it in the U.S. right now. Your priorities should prolly be as follows:

Updated some parts on it. :)

Let’s talk about how the latest update for Google Hangouts sucks because I keep accidentally sending inappropriate stickers from my phone when I open the app. For some reason, the sticker tray is often open when I first open the app and it only takes pressing once on the sticker to send it. No send button. No are you

I thought the solution was going to be easy to insert and remove coin shaped batteries. You would keep a roll of battery quarters in your pocket and insert a new one when the watch says “Continue 10, 9, 8.... Game over”. I’m sleepy :(

We Americans are all the same. If you know one, you know them all.

Paris fails to understand the free market. Consumers like Uber better. Adapt.

I can personally confirm the edibles are not accurately labeled. I’ve had 5 mg edibles get me out of my mind high and 10 mg edibles not do anything whatsoever.

Jezebel: replacing stupid patriarchal narratives with matriarchal narratives just as stupid. :)

Yeah I dunno who Stassa is kidding because schlubby bros bang hot chicks all the time.

*Reporters have a responsibility to report accurately, communicate clearly, and use words precisely, not pollute the English language with grammatical diarrhea.

If she had been perceived as black when she was younger would she had experienced some of the struggles? Before she was outed would she of experienced some of the struggles? Would a no to both questions suggest there is genetic component necessary for experiencing some of the struggles?

Are we anti-Chinese companies?

Haha I think he is actually sincere, at least on this issue, but his other beliefs limit his appeal to liberals. Plus, in many ways, he is to the left of many liberals on many issues, including this issue. The libertarian position is interesting because it can both repel and attract both liberals and conservatives.

It seems like a lot of liberal commentators are trying not to talk about Rand Paul. The silence is making me a little uncomfortable.