
So what you're saying is that we should pass a bill to close the TTB permanently so that small breweries aren't hindered from making beer by government bureaucracy. Less government, not more government, is the answer here. Bravo! Keep the libertarian articles coming, Gawker!

That's crazy talk! Say no more. Gawker doesn't like big governement, whatsoever. I assume all these shutdown stories are satyrical.

So I still can't figure out what Gawker's position is on the whole shutdown issue. You guys like the shutdown, right? Normally, I think of the people at Gawker as a bunch of freedom loving libertarians, but sometimes I have my doubts.

The Nahuatl writing system - pre-Spanish conquest - wasn't sophisticated by modern human standards. It consisted of pictograms and logograms.

Nahuatl didn't have a very sophisticated writing system.

The world really needs your ad hominems. Nothing justifies a whiney sense of entitlement like an inductive fallacy.

Wow government invented NASA too?!! For the billions of dollars they spent, we got amazing achievements like space ice cream, velcro, and scared Russians. No one spends money like NASA does.

Yeah you're right government programs are perfectly analogous to scientific achievements. Was it Tesla or Einstein who invented food stamps?

There is something called heat. Use it. Heat kills foodbourne pathogens (invisible things that don't like you). Crazy.

You make it sound like no one ate food before the FDA. Person up. Anyone who can do math knows that this whole big government thing isn't going to last forever, so the paternal governement won't always be there to hold your hand. Whatever, more food for me, you entitlement generation babies.

Exactly what I was thinking. I wish that that imaginary money was enough to slay leviathan.

Government had no right to impinge upon their right to drink alcohol in the first place.

Of course not. That's why government should be larger.

Of course, there is a third option! When the genocide in Darfur was in full bloom, military options to stop the genocide were not seriously considered by Western nations. But many people in the U.S., who could mostly self avowed pacifists, didn't want to do nothing, so they protested the genocide in Darfur in many

Haha every single one of these ingredients, except one of these ingredients, is harmless! That's a good one. I was laughing my ass off the other day watching someone buy "organic" cigarettes.

Cool. And, yes, it obviously doesn't refute everything Pollan has ever argued.

I've read some Pollan before. He is a food snob who is more often wrong than he is right. (He got his degree in Journalism, not Economics, Chemistry, Biology, or Medicine, btw). For instance, Pollan claimed that American farm subsidies is causing the American obesity epidemic by creating too much cheap corn (see "The

Looks like Howard Stern.