
You charge the publishing industry with gender bias, specifically against - what the industry terms - "chick lit". But I question whether bias is innately bad. Bias means you favor one thing more than another thing. In regards to art, we all have biases. When it comes to Classical music, I favor Romantic music. If I

What's a word to describe someone who makes a popular appeal that thinly masks the person's true aim? Like when you write an article about how to save money but your true intention is to convince people to reduce their CO2 emissions. I suppose it describes someone who engages in some form of subterfuge. Best I could

poor hash tags. thanks.

Fucking everything give you cancer #whogivesashit

I was tempted to go down that path of mocking Europeans but I resisted the urge. Like you, I enjoy visiting Europe on occasion (and I'm glad I don't live there - no offense, Europeans). However, that lame troll isn't indicative of all Europeans. I think Americans and Europeans can unite on calling this a-hole a stupid

Speaking of lame, I think people who give a shit what Europeans - or anyone else for that matter - thinks of them are lame. And I also think people who try so fucking hard to blend in wherever they travel are lame. Experiencing something familiar in a place that's unfamiliar is cool.

The Giz article made me interested enough to read the Wiki article. But the Wiki article on the Mig-15 is laughable. From the Wiki on the Mig-15: " The Soviet 64th IAK (Fighter Aviation Corps) claimed 1,106 UN aircraft destroyed in the Korean War, compared to Allied records that 142 Allied aircraft were downed by the

ironically, swallowing semen makes the truth easier to handle.

I bet Anon's tame response was partly a case of being starstruck, like "holy crap he actually talked to us". Besides, it's not like they could say "let's hack Murdoch for being so logical!".

Exactly, Murdoch gave Anon a logic smackdown. Then Anon, mostly likely amazed they got a reply from Murdoch, simply acknowledged the response without refuting it. Essentially, Murdoch caught Anon exaggerating the facts - it was funny, IMO.

Whosever torso crosses the line first is the winner; breast size isn't a factor, politically correct or not.

(He doesn't know about the poor areas in the Bay Area)

Assuming sea level rises a couple millimeters per year, I think he still has time.

That made me laugh out loud. I too am amused by psudoscience food products, especially "cleanses". When I was younger, I used to work at a certain famous grocery train that caters to all sorts of fears, theories, and philosophies that people have about food. Most people were quite normal and shopped there mostly for

So is inhaling small amounts of nitrous dioxide really that bad for me? Or should I only be concerned if I'm super paranoid type (the type that avoids cooking in aluminum because of its loose connection to alzheimer's, avoids MSG because of its lose connection to cancer or whatever, avoids protein from dairy because

I was thinking exactly the same thing. And you would think Apple with its history of being very anal about limiting stupid/useless/redundant/etc choices, in order to provide a better user experience, would have done this already. I can't imagine Jobs didn't think about this.

What advantage does the Pestilence Chopper give me over pestilence? The website says, "you know what happens when you don't have enough uninfected people around to bury the bodies of the infected people? Yeah." Umm... I start chopping? Yeah...

Is the ship way, way, way, way too big or only way, way, way too big? Or, perhaps, even just way too big?

Wow... Seeing is believing.

"In 2005, she carried the Sea-Based X-band Radar Unit all the way from Corpus Christie, Texas down around the Southern tip of South America and back up, past Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, to Adak, Alaska."