Cooking analogy: yeah, you could use a meat cleaver to devein shrimp, but, despite it being nice to have an extra heavy/long blade, a paring knife would be better. Different screens for different tasks is better.
Cooking analogy: yeah, you could use a meat cleaver to devein shrimp, but, despite it being nice to have an extra heavy/long blade, a paring knife would be better. Different screens for different tasks is better.
A phone that requires two hands to operate sucks for the same reason that a pencil that requires two hands to operate sucks. And none of your business what I do with my other hand.
Sam didn't criticize the Galaxy Note for being abnormal; he criticized it for being shitty. The Galaxy Note sucks at being a phone. You can't put it in your pocket. You can't use it using one hand. And your shitty taste - no offense - might cause undue suffering to all of us by influencing other phone manufacturers to…
Hahaha. But what will we do when Big Magnet takes over the energy industry?
I'm so scared. Where can I send my check?
Today I learned capitalists, industrialists, and businessmen are monoliths driven by greed and lust for power, but (Add unnecessary but benign sounding adjective imparting impartiality) scientists are not monoliths and are not driven by greed and lust for power because - I assume - scientists choose to pursue science…
haha nice... but I thought it was a ketchup packet for a second.
How industrial
I guessed Capri Sun too!
In philosophy, what you're talking about is an inductive fallacy called the Gambler's Fallacy. Although, bluffing in poker has the possibility of getting you a win despite shitty cards, so I don't know if that's the best example of the gambler's fallacy. But, yeah, the Dutch government should focus more on the…
How do you keep it on? I'm assuming the twist tie, but that isn't very long. And do you find that the ladies are ever turned off by the bread bag? I mean I guess it's nice having something to snack on after sex, but you know...
Has anyone else noticed that the European media seemed much more willing to believe this story than the American media? Some of the Euro-media stories that were released only about four or five hours ago have only a single line noting the skepticism. I give Gizmodo a lot of credit for publishing what is probably the…
Why is it not a "real" job? I'm trying to understand your position. Is it because the company doesn't actually need a person to carry the router (or whatever device that provides the hotspot)? And don't all jobs involve exploitation because employee and employer derive benefit from each other? Would this job be…
Yeah I'm assuming the neutron star must have a massive gravitational pull and will continue to suck up everything around it.
Cool visual! Neutron stars (potentially) turn into black holes eventually, right?
I thought the snake comment was the most funny line in the post! Fear the dead flopping snake!
So it's kind of like iTunes for video games.
I'm glad they're getting rid of the over active soldiers. Too much energy, IMO.
And its corollary: Dear Citizens, Stop Protesting Laws You Don't Even Understand. The passion agaisnt SOPA was almost absurd because barely anyone understood the bill. It reminds me of the passion over the Patriot Act. When the Patriot Act was being debated, the vast majority of people couldn't answer when I would ask…
So I'm right... mAh is a measure of current, the quantity of electrical charge (mA) that passes a point in an electrical circuit per hour (h). Which means you're wrong...