
I thought the snake comment was the most funny line in the post! Fear the dead flopping snake!

So it's kind of like iTunes for video games.

I'm glad they're getting rid of the over active soldiers. Too much energy, IMO.

And its corollary: Dear Citizens, Stop Protesting Laws You Don't Even Understand. The passion agaisnt SOPA was almost absurd because barely anyone understood the bill. It reminds me of the passion over the Patriot Act. When the Patriot Act was being debated, the vast majority of people couldn't answer when I would ask

So I'm right... mAh is a measure of current, the quantity of electrical charge (mA) that passes a point in an electrical circuit per hour (h). Which means you're wrong...

With a GDP (PPP) per capita of $13,060, Kazakhstan is way richer than I suspected.

Uh I think you contradicted yourself. If current is "how much charge flows in one hour...." and " mA means 'milliamp' which is current", then 1500mAh is a measure of current, the quantity of electrical charge that passes a point in an electrical circuit per hour.

More advanced in what way?

All those commenters who keep repeating this article is a solely American perspective are ignorant. I hate to burst your bubbles, but - guess what - the world still does revolve around America. The entire world watched the attacks on the World Trade Center. People around the world have that image burned into their

"It's the same hamburger" - Bill Gates

HIlarious pic. Was this on aliens?

Who will stand up for their right to receive a higher wage than they were able to earn in their home country? The better question is who will stand in their way.

When you say exploit I assume you mean pay them a higher wage than they were able to get in their home country, thus granting them an opportunity at a better life.

They probably buy houses, build careers, start companies, hire workers, have child, assimiliate, live, and die: the American Dream. And if the guy in Michigan is willing to work for the same wage as the immigrant I see no reason he wouldn't be hired.

There are skilled workers who aren't in unions.

I wish we stapled a green card to every single person who earned a PhD in America.

lol Irish and Chinese immigrants did great and most of them fled situations much worst, hence the fleeing. And can you read? "and the possibility of becoming legal citizens in the future". People are America's greatest resource; immigrants are our lifeblood.

Except my New Deal doesn't involve taking capital out of the hands the private sector and pumping it into the public sector. I want to make the public sector more efficient by getting more work done with less money.

What if instead of hiring union workers, we hired third-world workers, granting them temporary green-cards and the possibility of becoming legal citizens in the future? We could repave the roads at a fraction of the cost, grant third world immigrants a chance at a better life, and free up capital to be invested in

Or offer a cover with a battery built into it for free.