
Maybe. But by utilizing an utilitarian argument I could how it's possible: like she killed 6 people but she maximised the "good" of 300 million other Americans. See what I'm saying?

I'm simply asserting the high/low mixture is problematic. Both Liberals and Conservatives ad hominem the crap out of their political opponents. I expect this. People attack Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama as people because it's lot easier than having a serious political conversation about their positions. What I don't

You understand that everything said about Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama could be true and it would still be irrelevant to serious political issues, right? Michelle could be a serial killer and still be the best First Lady that the U.S. has ever had.

Reductio ad Trollum is when you accuse someone of being a troll so as to derail their argument. For instance, when someone satirizes your repugnant behavior, you could accuse that person of being a troll in order to silence further serious conversation. It's an informal logical fallacy of relevance. The fallacy is

It is irrelevant to serious political issues. It's ad hominem (an attack against the person in order to discredit the beliefs of the person attacked).


It is irrelevant.

Really? She's not a Nazi?! Shocked, I am. At least, you outed that misogynistic bitch on the bus: "mam, are you aware by not seeing political issues the way I see political issues, you hate not just yourself but all women?". For the record: you're unwilling to assert Reductio ad Hitlerum but you're more than okay with

Wow, you showed that old lady what is what. Did you call her a Nazi too? Because if she is voting for Palin, she clearly hates Jews too. Maybe, you should go to a retirement home and teach them ignorant sons of bitches about politics: "this is the right person to vote for, old stupid bitch".

Oh, my bad, your narrative about Sarah Palin is way better than the narrative about Michelle Obama. You're so smart.

I love Jezebel:

For argument, I already granted fish feel pain. I think if there is an issue with equivocation it is because some people equivocate human pain with fish pain (see Nagel's bat). But I obviously don't doubt that a fish has a negative "feeling" in reaction to harmful stimuli. I'm just saying that I don't care that it

I think it would be interesting to do a study on the effect of movies that anthropomorphize animals - think Pixar - on children under the age of 18.

Personally, I find dog fighting repugnant. I wouldn't want to watch a dog suffer, and I find most dogs cute. The key word is "personally". I'm not making a moral claim. Furthermore, to me, it was immoral to put that football player, whose name I'm too lazy to google, in jail for that crime. Therapy? Yes. Jail? No.

I'm amused by the idea that eating animals "grown" for the purpose of consumption ("only") is somehow ethically superior to eating animals that were not "grown". If I raise dogs for the purpose of consumption, would you be alright with that? Is it okay - because in some Aristotelian sense (which is endlessly amusing

As a PR issue, they probably should "put the shark out of its misery"; however, as an ethical issue, it's a fish.

The economic issue is that as Chinese people amass more wealth they will naturally consume more of the earth's resources, an environmental issue. So there seems to be three issues here:

Please excuse the six billion people who do not live in the UK for not knowing (nor caring) what people in the UK call a diaper.

It is the main stream scientific consensus that saturated fats increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. There are a smaller number of studies that have shown the opposite. Wiki has a good article breaking that down: [] But I think you're being disingenuous to try assert that it's certain fact that

I think you might be thinking of trans-fats. All vegetable oils contain saturated fats. There is really no way around that. Even healthy oils, like olive oil and canola oil, have saturated fat. You can't make fries that taste like fries without saturated fats. Trans-fat has been identified as a particularly bad fat