
As far as Great Man Theory, are we sure that is dead? That narrative seems to be strong at Gizmodo, because I certainly hear a lot about Jobs, Balmer, Zuckerburg, Page, and Gates (still). They certainly seem to be "a few learned white men".

On the topic of meaningful relationships born in a new medium (I kind of said this yesterday, but it seems relevant here): on Xbox Live you'll hear some of the most racist, immature banter ever, because with anonymity comes uncensored thought. But the flip side of that is that you can also have some of most sincere,

Hahaha. Thank God some summoner, adept in language, was able to pronounce your name well enough for it to work.

But sometimes ideas are stupid and sometimes people are horrible trolls. And it seems the writers at Gizmodo are sometimes right to call stupid stupid and a troll a troll. But if that policy was extended down to commenters, it would just get out of hand. The ad-hominems would be flying back in forth without end, but

Keller a damn luddite, for surez. I'm gonna tweet dat shitz. But, playing devil's advocate for a moment, I am wondering if the fact I've wasted the last two hours on the internet instead of reading this big, thick Kierkegaard anthology, which I'm supposed to be reading, has anything to do with the ease in which I can

I never even used the word Islam. In fact, no where in the Quran does it say a damn thing about burqas. It's in the Hadith, a backwards B.S. book. And did you really say "YOUR" woman? Women are not property. And is that supposed to be kind to allow them to take the burqas off at home? It's kind of like saying your

Say "Eyjafjallajökull" three times backwards.

Well, "All... leakers" and "any info" is the extreme version. I, with good reason, prefer "some leakers" and "some info". How do the details of bin Laden's capture benefit the American people? The reality is that secrets are an important part of self-defense, and in a world with nuclear weapons and biological weapons

Sure you'll hear some of the most racist, immature banter ever, because with anonymity comes uncensored thought. But the flip side of that is that you can also have some of most sincere, meaningful, and enlightening conversations ever. It's like Foucault's panopticon is stripped away, leaving something more raw and

This many details leaking is not a good thing. It looks like Obama rushing the mission makes a lot of sense considering we can't keep a god damn secret. I hope they find and punish whoever leaked it.

That is a incredible video. It's amazing he caught the exact moment it gave way. And I'm glad he had enough sense to get off the bridge (or whatever you call a pile of rocks sitting over a stream) before it collapsed. Yikes.

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.

see above, ajhayter.

takeshi, exactly.

I wouldn't see someone in a ghillie suit in the forest but I certainly would see someone crossing the street in one. The problem with poor vision isn't discerning shapes but discerning detail. You're picturing ideal circumstances where a large shape crosses a clear road, but sometimes what's happening is visually

If I am wearing a ghillie suit and am crossing a narrow road with a lot of foliage, would she be able to discern me? What if the sun were in her eyes? What if I was wearing dark clothing in a area with a lot of light and shadow? Just wondering.

This is "'no 'entrance" in braille (I have no idea why the translator put apostrophes in front of each word):

If your aunt needs braille to read, I hope they take away your aunt's license. Sorry.

Hahaha. Are you sure that you only "hear" about it?