
"I hate being so wealthy" would be a hilarious follow up article:

Hahaha. Yeah, I would read articles like that - articles that our intentionally funny rather than unintentionally funny. But did they unstar you for promoting my comment? That seems unfaair.

"I hate being so wealthy" would be a hilarious follow up article:

Hahaha... now I'm a luddite? That piece of ad-hominem is hilarious.

Yes, people make comparisons between lifestyle choices and behaviors they don't like all the time, but that is a fallacious comparison, a non-sequitur, a false analogy, a mistake in inductive reasoning. People who smoke ecigs are NOT comparable to gay people, fat people, nor nursing mothers. Try again.

Those are descriptions of natural human behaviors and lifestyle choices. Smoking ecigs is more akin to wearing a speedo to work: you look stupid and it makes us uncomfortable.

Come on people who smoke e-cigs! I'm not asking you to feel a lot of shame, just a little bit of shame. I was coming out of class last week and someone whipped one of those out right in front of me and started smoking it while we were talking. Jesus... It's almost worst than wearing one those gigantic bluetooths,

See, Australia, this is why you guys need the death penalty, for guys like this.

Mostly countries that are protected by the big North American country that does pay for bombs. I'm looking at you Europe. We should send a bill.

Any word on the cost difference between a concrete bombs and the conventional kind? With the deficit, I'm sure most of us would approve of dropping cheaper bombs.

Wait. You would seriously be ok with your credit company selling your data to insurance companies? I know it may keep some people more "safe", but it's YOUR data taken without YOUR permission and sold. Seriously? I could wrap you in plastic wrap, sedate you with drugs, carefully manage your vitals and nutrition, and,

They should make members of Congress take a basic macroeconomics class before they can serve. I'm almost certain that Jesse Jackson Jr. has never heard of comparative advantage, let alone David Ricardo. []

Amazing: imagine a woman making you cookies while you're having sex with her and actually having the cookie ready by the time you cum.

Wait... I love New York, but why do they get a shuttle? It seems Houston should get NYC's shuttle; it seems more connected to them.

The "nothing is original" phrase, unfortunately, is bollocks. It is the kind of bromide people often repeat in order to feel better about their work when they know it is hackneyed. There is truth in the idea that artists are regularly inspired by ideas found in other artists' works; Chaucer was made richer by reading

This reminds me of ad in gmail that popping up right now: "Coming soon: Better ads in Gmail." Well yippee! I can't wait to get some "better" ads in my gmail.

I think the most interesting issue is not whether the student or the teacher was right but that the police arrested the professor for such a small offense. As far as I know, the student wasn't hurt, so this shouldn't be a serious criminal offense. America has more people in jail by percentage and total than any other

Humanity's ability to come up with solutions to complex problems never ceases to amaze me.

At first I thought you were joking, but now that I looked at it closely I can't stop staring at it, like a song you can't get out of your head. And now I feel neurotic.

If by "sound almost twice as nice" you mean "sound subtly different", then I think I agree. They should do a "blind" test with audiophiles to see if they can consistently identify the 16 bit from the 24 bit song.