
This reminds me of ad in gmail that popping up right now: "Coming soon: Better ads in Gmail." Well yippee! I can't wait to get some "better" ads in my gmail.

I think the most interesting issue is not whether the student or the teacher was right but that the police arrested the professor for such a small offense. As far as I know, the student wasn't hurt, so this shouldn't be a serious criminal offense. America has more people in jail by percentage and total than any other

Humanity's ability to come up with solutions to complex problems never ceases to amaze me.

At first I thought you were joking, but now that I looked at it closely I can't stop staring at it, like a song you can't get out of your head. And now I feel neurotic.

If by "sound almost twice as nice" you mean "sound subtly different", then I think I agree. They should do a "blind" test with audiophiles to see if they can consistently identify the 16 bit from the 24 bit song.

Are they including the free books downloaded in their "sales" figure? Personally, I've downloaded about 50 books via Amazon/Kindle, but they were all free. I assume a lot of people are downloading free books, because, well, a lot of things are attractive at that price.

In one of my (college) classes today, a girl was taking notes with a Ipad with keyboard attachment. First time I've seen someone use an Ipad for note taking. Is it the future? I doubt it.

I'm a philosophy major, and one type of mistake in argument that should be avoided is inductive fallacies, which are basically mistakes in logic. The best fallacies sound persuasive because they appeal to emotion and our biases, and are often technically factually true, but they are fallacious because they are

@WilyFox: Yeah, it looks sexy.

@Go Vols!: Service is good in Chicago, in my experience.

Let me say, as someone who used to play 12+ hours per day at least 5 days a week, this isn't something you need. Your hands becoming sweaty, at least for me, is not much of a problem. Hands can cramp but it isn't a huge problem either. Honestly, for a serious gamer, jittery hands, from too much caffeine or too much

That aircraft carrier, HMS Invinsible, has no engines! Enjoy floating around without any ability to propel the ship forward. It's worth more as a scrap metal.

@TrampaOnline: Is that the guy who took pleasure in shooting people without trial?

1760 floppies to play the Sims. Yikes.

Thank you, Jesus Diaz! It's refreshing to hear someone talk about Castro's regime in the way it should be: negatively. I'm so sick of hearing people talk about how great the healthcare, the education, and whatever other nonsense is in Cuba. Who gives a shit? You can get arrested for nothing there. Their press, like

@EliteGeek: And by what leap in logic do you assume that a chocolate company can't "achieve economic profits"? I'm done with this.

@EliteGeek: There is more incentive to produce more cocoa as prices rise. As more is produced, supply rises, eventually depressing prices. Also, as prices rise, more people are priced out of the market, curbing the demand, therefore slowing the rise in price. It's basic supply and demand.

@mikepetty: in the invisible hand sense, not in the "figuring out how" sense.

@jacobestes: Because the demand is higher, the price is higher, which means they get more for their cocoa. Because they want to feed their family, they will grow whatever crop is their self-interest to grow, and the higher the price of cocoa, the more it is in their self-interest to grow it. Why is this not simple to

"Farm It!" costs .99 cents now. Maybe, they see an opportunity here with the buzz from Gizmodo.