Wow...again you skewing facts to suit your arguement
Wow...again you skewing facts to suit your arguement
Agreed nothing is ever so simple as people tend to portray it being. If you read a few books about the civil war you will quickly see slavery was not the only thing involved it’s like saying we only fought in WW2 out of concern of Romanian oil interests or that Korea was only fought out of concern China would become…
Amen, but instead of actual productive activities that may cost real energy and money let’s target something easy and free to gain attention.
More PC crap destroying history outright with no regard under AEGIS of preventing or stopping alleged discomfort. This is why we are having insane protests at universities where the immature students and cowardly professors do not bother with stressin the point of sharing ideas and thoughts no matter the discomfort…
Wow again who picks the assignments? Yet again I’m convinced this genre would be better served my some one else
Great review as usual from good talent
I’ve started to notice lately that a few of the writers definately have a negative slant and a habit of saying/telling an edited version of the facts of the games reviewed. I hate to say this but it’s as if a few of the staff are going out of their way to be offended or upset!
lol I can agree
Wow just completely crap all over the game why don’t you? As a 12 year combat vet I love the game! The mindless one liners often are more complex than one line are often times take me back to the greatest times of my adult life: spending time with other soldiers! Maybe a deeper philosophy would be nice but I…