Do you know who these writers are? This is it. This is what they do all day on their own blogs. This is their best work.
Do you know who these writers are? This is it. This is what they do all day on their own blogs. This is their best work.
Remember on election day when all those idiot men at Deadspin said they weren’t voting or were voting third party or various other dumb shit?
I think that’s because Taylor owns it. She’s been in lots of high-profile relationships, and she’s utterly unabashed about it, which makes it more normal. He acts like it’s something he should be able to sweep under the rug, which is basically the best way to ensure you ALWAYS get asked about it.
I don’t think that it’s hate. Out of all the people in the world we can hate on, Hiddleston is very, very low on that list.
If he had not poured his heart out to GQ and stalked the writer at her hotel at six am (before her morning flight) I might have some sympathy. But he opened the door.
I think an average-smart person got famous for playing incredibly smart characters, and there’s a little bit of disappointment when he doesn’t live up to expectations. He’s kind of the anti-Chris Pratt, who plays lovable doofuses so well that we’re surprised when he says something relatively smart.
“great art” was a bit of an over-statement
I think once you end up scheduling paparazzi appearances to photograph your private life, you can’t be surprised that people want more. He’s got every right to shut them down, it is his private life, but being a tool in public like that... He’s got to know his actions have consequences.
What first set off my radar that something might be effed up was when last spring/summer they were talking about being in an open relationship.
The problem with “that guy” is that, unlike women, he isn’t forced by circumstance of his gender and genitals and other physical characteristics to to permanently wear the mantle of “feminist”. For him, it’s just an outfit to put on if it so pleases him, and he’s free to take it off and go scampering back across the…
Eh, I’ve been in that situation before with more than one woke dude, and it definitely goes way deeper than simple immaturity. There’s a performative aspect to it, where it’s not about actually being woke so much as it’s about making sure everyone around them knows just how enlightened they actually are.
And why then do we need male ‘feminist allies’ to come to our defense then? We don’t. We’d all be better served if men voiced their opinions less and actually organized the men and put their bodies on the line instead of running their mouth about being ‘male feminists’. How about working at a DV shelter? How about…
Pretty much every guy who is an “outspoken male feminist” is a POS. People who lecture other people on how THEY are living their lives incorrectly and the changes THEY need to make are invariably blowhards/assholes. Guys who do this are almost always lying.
Man, fuck Jamie Kilststein.
And there are several of these ‘male feminists’ on this very site who post on every fucking thread trying to be every fucking top comment so they can pat themselves on the back and collect stars and feel like they are the elusive ‘good guy’. It’s always the most bottom of the barrel innocuous comment only designed to…
Another one of these assholes. It fits the pattern, too - celebrity, overly outspoken in terms of male feminism, overly solicitous and flirtatious, and boundary-violating in practice (as well as unfaithful in his personal relationship with his wife and objectifying of the women he did it with).
Hmmm...alternative theory:
Crawling into bed with a sleeping woman without her knowledge and cuddling with her, and forcing exposure to sexual organs are more than just sexual harassment. He crossed a physical line.
It’s a crap movie about a sad man. Come at me, Kenneth Lonergan.
You know what’s changed me about all these allegations lately? I now completely reject the idea of separating the art from the artist as a moral cop out. There are plenty of works by decent, conscientious artists, artists who have NOT been accused of sexual abusers, who are quick to defend victims, not victimizers. …