
is awfully hard to take its diversity aspirations seriously, for instance, when the host of the Oscars makes an extended joke based on the pronunciation and perceived complicatedness of the Best Supporting Actor winner’s name—but that is exactly what Kimmel did, in a far too-long-riff about Mahershala Ali and his

Gotcha. I thought all this happened to the same woman. Ugh. What a horrible person.

I’m with you. And frankly surprised this is still up for debate after last year’s Revenant/Suicide Squad nonsense. People defending Affleck need to be reminding that METHOD ACTRESSES have never used method acting as an excuse for real-life shitty behaviour to others (even if they, themselves, suffer from their art).

My bf feels like kids shouldn’t be nominated for playing precocious kids, they are just being themselves on film. I feel the same way about this character. How much of a stretch is it for Casey to play some dude from Boston in the shadow of his brother?

Honestly I’m not sure what else the 78-112 demographic watches.

Has CBS considered not making a show that’s either a police procedural or a legal drama?

“Casey Affleck was boring and played himself”

Being friends/working with someone for years does not ensure they will not assault you or do something creepy/disgusting/inappropriate to you in the future. Sometimes dirtbags lay in wait.

Rich is just being a smug asshole.

Is that like two wrongs make a right?

I realize that we can’t know for sure, but given that Affleck stopped denying the allegations after the parties went to mediation, makes me think he may have been inappropriate to the point of creating a hostile work environment. One of the accusers stopped working midway during the project because she felt so

Lol. Clearly we can pull inspiration from all sorts of sources, but I’m having a hard time understanding how Affleck learned acting from an actor who’s roles range from “black man” to “strong black man?”

Horowitz handled it not just with grace, but authority and he corrected the situation as quickly and calmly as it could have been handled. He didn’t “spit” and saying it was “kind” of him to give Moonlight their award is nasty and shitty.

I was startled by the word “spat” there too. I’m sure Horowitz was upset and disappointed, but it seemed to me he was just being blunt to try to cut through the confusion and get the word out definitively that “Moonlight” had won, so that his fellow filmmakers could have their moment. I thought he reacted quickly and

I can’t fault them for being in shock in the moment. That was an emotional whirlwind.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Yeah, I thought the Lala Land producers handled it with exceptional grace. They took it on themselves to announce that they hadn’t won, quickly got out the message that Moonlight had won, and tried to reassure the Moonlight team that this was all real and they should get up on stage. Like that’s a lot of crazy in

Saw the movie. He would have got a fuck Casey Affleck from me even if he wasn’t a predator.

Uppity and snobby for being proud of an achievement? She’s breaking a record, it’s a big fucking night for her, and Lagerfeld’s bitchy little lie completely overshadowed that for her. She’s earned it.

It’s true. She’s entitled to be proud of and honest about her achievements.