Those glasses really ruined the extraterrestrial look he had going on.
Those glasses really ruined the extraterrestrial look he had going on.
I’m skeptical that you’re able to separate out your own personal culpability from that of your generation’s. It’s a fantasy to say “Well I didn’t do anything” when we are talking about the policies of what used to be the largest generation of Americans.
You’re the only generation in American history to give their children a worse life than you had. Enjoy that.
Cajon is a drawer. Cojones are balls.
Skin cancer is real, folks. He will only go shirtless in the pool when the sun is down.
In the last 20 years, the Green Party has done more to destroy the environment than any other single entity on earth. Fuck off, Jill.
Well call me an outlier then!
Lots of teachers in lots of schools have taken a missed punch or two breaking up a fight. They’re used to it.
Both of the Raiders fans were from New York
Maybe he should publish his model, like the folks he’s throwing shade at do, and then we could see if it’s any good. But if I’d just had my ass kicked as hard as Nate Silver did in the primaries, I’d probably be working on misdirection a lot too.
September Jezebel repudiates January - August Jezebel. Sorry guys, too late now.
Yeah I mean they’ve done the research ... we worry about low probability events while blowing straight past the high-probability ones like car accidents. I guess if we were better at judging the odds of something Las Vegas would still be a couple of gas stations in the desert.
Thank you! I don’t know when we turned into such sniveling weenies but it’s nice to hear someone with a spine challenging the idea that we should be terrorized all the time.
That’s what we need in the world, less charity.
The Hub, yep. As a transient who only lived there 5 years, it was fascinating to watch.
Eh, she fell into the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone (a river, in the park), not the Grand Canyon - a feature on the Colorado (a river, not a state).
When did Paul Lepage start reading deadspin?
This is amazing and you are amazing
Bunch of fucking Bernouts complaining that Hillary won’t give you free clicks? Fuck off back to St. Bernie and cry on his wrinkly shoulder about it.