The 'Burbs

Poochie McDonalds đź’€

I’ll let Tom know, he’s going to be really disappointed

The History channel had TGI Friday’s in one of their “The Food that Built America” series.   It was a rather interesting.  Started as a party/pick up bar in NY I think and some dude came in and wanted take it national.  

They only had 3 flavors to pick from back then: Salt, lard and horribly overcooked. 

At least they always have fresh malk, I needs my vitamin R!

well, have fun trying :)

The worst part of a french fry is the flavorless potato interior. The best part of a french fry is the golden brown crunchy exterior. Steak fries have the most of the worst part and the least of the best part. That makes them the worst (or close to the worst) fries.

Next you’re going to tell us that leprechauns aren’t real.

That logo is hideous. But typically so are Buicks so there you go. Should keep its target demographic of Chinese people and nearly dead Americas happy.

I can’t believe you had a chain restaurant experience at a chain restaurant. 

Best restaurants by Yelpers is like best Greek and Latin Classics literature by TikTok users.

So, like, am I gonna be able to jerk off to M&Ms again or what?

Regarding the Lincoln, he said he was newly single, not a new widower. 

I do the dedicated hand thing too, except right is for meat handling and the left for spices, salt, cheese etc. Much more efficient than constantly washing, and I rarely find I need both hands to handle the meat. Just wash hands at the end, and you’re done.

I’ve got a better Titanic conundrum for you; Did Jack doom the RMS Titanic by saving Rose? If she had succeeded in throwing herself overboard, someone would have eventually noticed, a “man overboard” alert would have been sounded, and the ship would have stopped to carry out some futile attempt at search and rescue.…

I went herb garden a few years back. Where I live, 28oz regular canned tomatoes are $1.39, San Marzano are $3.99. Carbone’s is $7.49, Rao’s is $8.99.


All three of them must be decent.  I literally don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a Buick dealer.  Maybe 1989? 

You mean Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Men?