The 'Burbs

This is an amazingly Australia story. Not sure what is more Australian about it, the drinking on an inflatable mattress or their mate arriving to rescue them on a jet ski

This is needlessly complicated and takes too long. I just buy the refrigerated cookie dough from the supermarket and then microwave them. Get rave reviews and almost restaurant quality.

You are mis-interpreting my comment. I don’t use cream or bacon (and definitely not peas) but they are not uncommon inclusions but do typically cause all the authenticity police, who you seem very much to be part of, to lose their shit. Adding or using those, although unnecessary, doesn’t fundamentally change the dish

Not being Italian, I don’t have a particular hat to hang on with carbonara (except peas - GTFO) but doing something like adding tomatoes makes it something 100% different than carbonara in a way that adding cream or using bacon does not. 

She has retained a lawyer and is probably going to sue Gorilla Glue.

Only serial killers cut a sandwich in half vertically. 

No way is Trump 239 not the least because it is just conveniently below “obese.” I am 6'3 and about 195 with a 34" waist - if you saw me you would say I’m on the skinnier end of average. Trump looks like a fat ass. even if he is 6'3, which he is not, would easily be at least 50-60 lbs heavier than I am

Thats how you know Newsmax is a third-rate right-wing outlet. They can’t even pick the right places to misplace their faux outrage on something that didn’t happen. You are supposed to target a place like Starbucks for refusing to accept your order for a large coffee not a McDonalds for not having a made up fish

sausage doughnut sandwich - now you are talking!!!

That is the sorriest looking sandwich I have seen in a while. And what genius at corporate thought someone would pay nearly $10 for a reheated chicken sandwich?

Conceptually I don’t have a problem with this, even though I doubt I would ever order it or any of its doughnuted adjacent siblings, but that video does not make it look appetizing in the slightest bit

My 8 year old loves opening up her grilled cheese and stuffing it with french fries

Salt and everything are 1 and 1a. Then plain and sesame. poppy is a “if there is nothing else left” and cinnamon raisin could go fuck itself

It’s not poisoning, he was a well known germophobe before he became the worst president ever. He thinks fast food places are more trustworthy due to their built in operational model and efficiencies.

It is a rather common scheme, that goes on all the time.

I say this with all honesty - I have never had ranch dressing. Cool Ranch doritos, yes but not the dressing itself, whether bottled or homemade.

Awesome, the change no one wanted, no one asked for and no one likes!!!

Neppolitan is probably closer to Chicago tavern than New York style since the crust is crisp, but they are all really different.

Mike’s hot honey - especially if using pepperoni or spicy salami

Yup, parchment makes it fairly foolproof if you have trouble launching your pizza from a peel. I most often use it when making pizza with my kids, since they like to put on the sauce and cheese and take their sweet ass time doing so which makes the dough sticking to the peel almost inevitable without parchment