The 'Burbs

*buys [and eats] egg rolls*  wtf is a leftover egg roll?

How dare you lump Whattchamacallit in with Oh Henry and Paydays. Whatchamacallit is the hidden gem of the candy rack. I’m couldn’t even tell you what an Oh Henry is and Paydas? Might as well just get a bag of honey roasted peanuts.  They are better and less dry

Agreed. Everyone knows you use a Keurig with no pod in it. 

Talk about blinders. To think this is all fake because people didn’t go to HR first is possibly the most moronic thing I have read. Guess all those things Matt Lauer, Fox News, Mario Batali, Garrison Keillor, etc. couldn’t have happened otherwise the EEOC would’ve been all over that place

Would like to see what her favorite salts are, but I agree with you, i’m not flipping through 11 slides nor messing around with my browser window

Good call on the cubano but I disagree on your other examples. Those all need Guldens Brown mustard, esp the hot dog

There is a belgian ale named Wostyntje that is brewed with mustard seed. Been years since I’ve had one but used to get it fairly often at local beer hall near my old apartment and obviously really enjoyed it back then.

I can’t see Trump replacing Pence. First off, are there even any credible candidates to choose from and if there is, what person in their right mind would walk up to the guillotine like that?

I’m with you.  Grilled watermelon, with some feta and mint sounds lovely.  Putting it on a burger bun.... does not

Let me get this straight - you use quick grits (ugh) and then bother with an instant pot to cook said 5 minute quick grits for a longer amount of time than it would cook on the stove? Why take a convenience product, where you sacrifice taste/texture for time/convenience, and then use a cooking method that takes

That’s about 12.8% too much peach

My kids disagree.  They are Motts or nothing. 

I can’t comprehend who in their right mind would follow Sean Spicer on Instagram nor why a grill company would think he would be a great person to have hawking their grills.  2020 is fucked up, man.

So which of those three is supposed to fit the criteria of not being “unappetizing looking”?

Wish all restaurants could set up a basic website that has a current menu. It is mind boggling how many restaurants and delis have no web presence in 2020. Even if you don’t want to set up online ordering, at least monitor emails or text messages. A local deli takes orders by text message, which is easier and less

Agree on the sick folks that torment servers. Luckily haven’t had to dine withmany of those in my life. a lot of these old Florida Jews (like my mom) isn’t that they degrade the servers, it’s just that they are insufferable with their questions, asks, substitutions. At home, my interactions with waitstaff is

I go into a McD’s maybe once a year on a roadtrip with the kids. I can’t even follow the menu when I go there, not sure why they think their menu needs to take up 4 of those sandwich boards or people are interested in 15 different Value Meal options.

Generic Froot Loops, but yeah, this hits home. 

Yeah - Marnie had a strong first three rounds but tailed off at the end. Especially with Toasted Almonds, Choco tacos and Bomb pops still on the board.

Incredible is just a horrible name in the first place and clearly only chosen because it is close enough to Impossible that they may get unsuspecting consumers that think “hey I’ve heard alot about that faux burger before”