I feel like this needs rainbow sprinkles. Or their upscale cousin the nonpareil
I feel like this needs rainbow sprinkles. Or their upscale cousin the nonpareil
I can’t really think of what I would eat canned. But something like chipotle in adobo or stuff like that, I’m sure I have had a can buried deep in my pantry and used it 4 yrs after I bought it. I probably wouldn’t look but if I did and it was 5-6 yrs old I’d probably toss. 2-3 yrs I’d likely eat but we aren’t…
Guess I don’t eat as much whipped cream or pavlova as you do...
Marnie should be relegated. I have all five of her choices and would MAYBE consider the bench scraper as a necessary item, mostly for pizza making, but the other items could disappear tomorrow and I likely wouldn’t make too much of a fuss.
Same here. Never knew such a thing existed. Still trying to wrap my head around the concept and what the texture is and how it’s normally served.
The chipmunk population around me seems to be exploding. Everywhere I turn I see a few of them scurrying all over the place. Definitely come across a few more bunnies too. Had one visit my front yard every morning for about a week. The squirrel population seems the same though
Breadstick at 2? That’s insanity.
I guess my son will enjoy finding out that he’s been eating some of John Lennon as part of his dessert for years
Agreed. File this away with all the vast population of information that my wife does not need to know
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, urine a good spot with that brain of yours.
I agree - I’m just speculating what he means by 25 cups per day. I assume he isn’t pouring 25 separate mugs of coffee over the day but he’s drinking the equivalent to 25 cups.
This is genius... Until the first guy uses it, realizes no one can see him below the waste and starts just pissing where he’s standing
I’m guessing a cup is 6 oz. So a Grande from Starbucks is almost 3 “cups” of coffee. So you only need 9 of those a day to equal his daily intake...
but you could just as easily add... caraway seeds
I make egg pasta which is eggs, egg yolks, flour and salt. Mix together, knead for a min and then wrap in plastic wrap for at least 30 min. Then roll out. Whole thing from start to finish is less than an hour and maybe 15 of that is active time. 5 min to form the dough and 10 min to roll it out and cut it
They aren’t that hard and freeze really well. Go for it!!!
BK fries batter or coating was definitely noticeable. I just assumed it was a cornstarch dredge but never bothered to find out. IM fairly certain McDs are not battered.
Disagree on the pasta. I have those rollers that plug into the kitchen aide mixer and don’t find the effort all the hard or time consuming. Yes I can get good fresh pasta fairly easily so it’s not about lack of availability, but I would put mine at least on par with those except it’s cheaper and not that much more…
You can’t look at any comment on any site related to recipes because that is all you see. I didn’t have horseradish or steak, so used RC Cola and Tuna packed in water... YUM.
Don’t be ridiculous. The stick won’t be able to support a deep fried Oreo box. A full size waffle tied into a cone with a slice of bacon would hold it together better