lmao you buried this in the 8th paragraph of a 10 graph story. the guy was given a clear directive from management and he chose not to follow it. end of story. any employee anywhere should expect to be fired for such a decision.
lmao you buried this in the 8th paragraph of a 10 graph story. the guy was given a clear directive from management and he chose not to follow it. end of story. any employee anywhere should expect to be fired for such a decision.
Can someone please, for the love of God, award this woman ALL the damn medals you guys have available? Every single medal in existance (yes, even the ones for bigger boogers or longest nails). Who needs batman when you have this officer?
methinks you need to re-read what i wrote.
Churlish thought: The White House should put out a press release acknowledging the truckers for joining the White House in celebrating the progress the administration has made in knocking down the virus.
A car with a TELEPHONE! Crazy times we live in.
I really wish conservatives and Trump supporters had not somehow taken over ownership of the American flag. Because anytime you see shit tons of people waving them fanatically these days, save for maybe the 4th of July parade, its ALWAYS a group of Trump-supportin pieces of shit like these folks and it sends the wrong…
I dislike how all of these protestors (Trumps supporters too) plaster the US flag all over everything. It’s unfortunately made that flag a symbol for disunity, selfishness and bigotry.
The hour’s approaching, to give it your best
Given a choice between watching the ISS de-orbit and cutting some corners, I think NASA and ESA could move fast enough to get it done.
just roll that around in your mouth for a while
I got it. You’re doing excellent work, here.
His last name is Bolus? This whole thing is hard to swallow. Get it? Oh never mind.
fuck this guy. i hope covid gets him.
No, they weren’t.
You know who did burn cities?
White people have burned whole Black communities to the ground, then stolen that land, and put their own cities up instead.
So, one difference between, say, a protest, a legal protest, and the activities you mention, is that no, despite what right wingers say, people…
Start pulling commercial licenses from the companies who have trucks there. Lay criminal charges against the drivers, so they can’t cross border drive any more. Then if any more of the shitheels want to continue the occupation, turn on the water cannons this weekend when its -20c.
I have simple criteria, from least to most telling (works for any show, not just cars):
Any of the “Outlaw/Street Drag Racing” shows. Stop glorifying stupid and illegal acts while injecting soap opera drama.
Rust Valley Restorers is terrible, it’s 90% drama about not having enough money to keep things going and the few cars that they do build are not good.