Shifty McShifterson

The high today was 38. It was 31 when I went to work this morning.

I just buy new headlights,.remove and replace and done with.

I think spookiness is talking about having to parallel park with the unwashed masses rather than your parking skill. :) I still see some Chicagoans park “by braille” and they don’t even have the courtesy to leave a note behind after leaving a mark on someone else’s bumper.

Sounds like a great way to make two people disappear and not have a ton of questions or answerers about it...

Holy shit, that bird is huge!

Teslas are deathtraps and everyone buying one is signing their own death certificate and funding fascism.

Like the people who voted for the orange menace, Cyberturd buyers are due for some epic buyer’s remorse.

Heaven forbid you go around the front!

Fuck, and I cannot stress this enough, Elon Musk. 

Your parents raised you right.

<rolls eyes>

I was born in ‘91 and as a kid I only wanted 3 vehicles: Herbie, the BTTF time machine, and the Mach 5. I don’t think it’s a generational thing.

Hi. Gen X here. This entire article is why Boomers say Millennials are dipshits.

The no-wheels look is really dumb. It just makes it look like a vacuum cleaner. They should have gone for the white wheels of the Henry Dreyfuss designed Mercury locomotive.

“We’re going in to get the guys who went in to get the guys who went in the get the guys...”

That’s using your noodle!

Well, that’s the first time Nissan balked at sending out a poorly engineered product! (I’m not letting spelling get in the way of this joke.)

The remnants of the craft were later returned to the surface in order for investigators to figure out just what went wrong with the sub.

But where were they going without ever knowing the way?

You load 16 tons, what do you get