Shifty McShifterson

You don’t need to be right, you need to be white...

Idk, you have the beginning and end of Ford's D3 platform in that shot (Freestyle and Explorer). Also, you have the Mystique of a Bobcat attacking a Cougar wearing Capri pants, being rescued by a Maverick Villager.

What should he “of” done?

Couple of years ago in Maine a jogger killed a rabid racoon by drowning it in a puddle with her bare hands after it attacked her. Talk about badass!

Where is he on Chauvin though? Because part of me wonders if the clarity of the Taser/Glock case does have to do with our comfort in calling women incompetent.

Communist thinking like this is keeping us from being great again. [crashes schoolbus while commenting]

Tesla all the “”cool” tech with the fit and finish of a 1970s Lada. I give Tesla 5 years before it is a wholly owned Chinese brand and only sold there. Meanwhile Elon and Grimes will build a compound in the desert out out of old transit buses and fan boys declare it a architectural marvel

Jalopnik Headline, 2041:

I mean, spiral ramps are pretty great, I’ve only had the pleasure of using a spiral parking deck once, and I’ll be honest, it felt like I was in a damn Bourne movie.

Trump’s perp walk may make my first tattoo...and I’m 60!

It’s videos like this that make me reconsider my views on eugenics...

I wonder if she’s related to my dad. My dad used Gasoline as a universal degreaser. Parts greasy? Gasoline. Hands greasy? Gasoline. Shirt greasy? Gasoline. Grill dirty? Gasoline.

What’s 17 years old and about to make a lot of noise in Washington?

“The Trump White House is nothing if not a beacon of bad precedent setting”.

It’s a strange conflict, simultaneously wanting charges not to be true so there weren’t victims, but also wanting gaetz to be charged and go away forever.

I like myself a little tribal fun, but I can also defer the desire until it becomes safer. I don’t imagine there is anybody at these events that I would miss next year so let the plague do it’s work.

You mean like this?

Adults who are into Disney... are weird. Just weird. It’s not normal.

My blue, 2006 Element EX is named Shran, after the Star Trek character. They’re both blue, stubborn, and good in cold weather.

Beside America being a vast, self-reinforcing culture of malignant lunacy?