Shifty McShifterson

This serious truth right here.

If I may:


What happens at Mar-a-Lago stays at Mar-a-Lago.


IMHO, when we’re talking about someone so utterly, cravenly *horrible* as Trump, anything goes. (With the possible exception of severe illness, but I’m not ruling it out.)

To paraphrase Torvold Utne: This Trump is a giGANtic douchebag.

I would totally invest in that musical.

...and please feel free to go fuck yourself on your way out.”

I sincerely hope those kids never have a bit of joy or security in their miserable lives.

Wow, Hogan Gidley looks like Vincent Adultman from BoJack Horseman:

Deep dish: ground beef, bacon, and pepperoni.

Uh, hello? They’re *aliens*, that’ll be a LASER saw? 

The Shart of the Deal.

In related news:

*snort* Perfection.

Also, the Wall grew 3 sizes that day.

91 to 93, I believe; I missed out when I bought my GTP new in 95.