I would throw a random stranger (or possibly a not-too-close relative) into an alligator-filled pond for one of these Accord Sports.
I would throw a random stranger (or possibly a not-too-close relative) into an alligator-filled pond for one of these Accord Sports.
“Did someone say ‘broken tiger’?”
That Civic was Rushin'.
No need for sorry- the Jalop heart wants what it wants.
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The fact that a giant foot didn’t drop from above at that moment, Monty Python-like, and press him into an oversized pancake is proof there is no God.
My new band: Asymptote of Snark.
I feel the same way about low ass-bridges.
If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.
This is gold, particularly “conservative human urinals”. Damn.
Damn, I’d go for that even if she had a real horse head surgically attached. Fuckin’ look at that!!
By Jeffie, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, you Granny Clampett-looking racist fuckwipe.
You are a true wordsmith.
*gets stranded; builds mechsuit from 11-year-old Hyundai; survives*
Don’t drive one, though. Ever seen the front-end crash test? Collapses like a yard-sale card table.