
Oh you know, you're just walking home listening to music, then bam! having sex right on the corner of Main and Washington, no time to take them out.

“We Need More Famous Musicians to be Allies and Use Their Influence to Create Positive Cultural Change.... No Taylor Swift, Not Like That.”

Thanks - I’ll have it on your desk by Monday. Working title:

It’s also okay to point out when that critique is disingenuous and poorly argued.

honestly, it’s like yall are just out there desperately trying to find something to complain about. the song is a great step for her and it’s fun and catchy. so yes, you are a bad faith critic, whatever that means.

Ehhh...Black woman here. With some exceptions, of course, current mainstream hip-hop is incredibly materialist and misogynistic, as is lots of pop music (mainstream hip-hop IS, in fact, pop music). I get that as a “privileged White woman” it’s not kosher to state publicly that you don’t like mainstream hip-hop but

Joe Biden is here, women, to save you!

No, he’s not here to save you from forced childbirth, you fickle bitches. He’s just here to save you from a narrowly-defined idea of partner violence, that certainly doesn’t include trans or nonbinary women.

What do you mean, you cunts aren’t grateful? Don’t you want Donald Trump

They ignore me aggressively at the mall-based Sephora nearest me but they fawn over skinny 17-year-old girls. Like, who do they think has the money to buy their products, the fat middle aged lady running errands on a Saturday, or the teenager with a $20/week allowance?

Is it irony that a Nazi apologist (‘on both sides’) is representing one of the countries that fought a war against & beat the Nazis at a commemoration of one of the great battles that took place during said war? Or is it just irony-adjacent?

So, y’all don’t have to diagram sentences and identify the verbs, nouns, adverbs, subjects, objects, etc.? I am envious. (I hated diagramming sentences. I’m pretty good at getting my grammar right and spotting when it’s wrong--mostly--but I can’t remember all the stupid names for stuff. I couldn’t tell you what a

Generally stuff like this is more obvious to people who study a language; native speakers may pick it up organically, which also means they’re more likely to pick up the incorrect usage.

This. We can complain about capitalism later. This is huge. 

I don’t care if it’s a publicity grub, big companies do those all the time and have zero obligation to also make them socially aware. Not sure if this will actually be an ad shown on TV or just a web exclusive, but this may very well be the first depiction of a trans man that Joe Everyday has ever seen. That is huge.

Okay, smarty-pants, if you can find me a place close to the British Museum AND the Monterey Bay Aquarium, I’ll take it.

“Please put it about that I really want to go back to the college I had exactly zero interest in going to—a statement I publicly declared over and over again—so that people think I care about education because that will be good for my damaged brand”?

Proximity to where you work is also huge. I can never go back to driving 45 min to work (or more). The amount of sleep you get, the less driving time, etc. really adds up at the end of the year.

One problem is when interests conflict with each other. I’m a fan of good food and the arts, but also of the outdoors. I’m lucky to live in a city where I can be 15 minutes from downtown but also 10 minutes from a wilderness trailhead, but that’s a unicorn overlap.

I’ve always liked Johnny Galecki because he’s David for crying out loud!  plus the fact that he and Kaley Cuoco dated IRL for two years, broke up, and were able to continue working together speaks rather flatteringly about them as people.

Im guessing your parents are still alive and/or assholes?

How could you not address the InTouch cover story about photos that shocked the Queen!??! Are we supposed to believe that is Meghan Markle? Or is that expert InTouch cover bait and switch of the highest order? MUST KNOW!