
Farts. The original bath bomb.

Two words - epsom salt. Trust me on this one. Increases the soothing factor of the bath 10-fold.

Drinks like a Capri Sun after soccer practice on a hot day” as criticism is the equivalent of “feels like a deep tissue massage after a long day working on a road crew”, e.g. maybe not something I would have instantly thought of be sounds fantastic nonetheless. It totally makes me want to try one.

It depends on what you’re using the oil for. For finishing and dressing yeah of course, but extra virgin is horrible for high-heat applications. For sauteing you just want normal old olive oil which has a much higher smoke point.

Kate gets knocked down, she gets up again, you’re never going to keep her down.

See the psychiatrist about new prescriptions STAT. Kate wouldn’t stand for it is laughable in it’s stupidity. Kate has NO power. At least Diana had worldwide adulation and even that didn’t save her in the end. Kate has a rabidly social climbing mother AND sister. Divorcing William and she would no longer be

Ooh, Kelly, have you read Eleanor Herman’s Sex With Kings? It’s all about royal mistresses and juicy historical goss.

I printed out the report and put it in a binder to take home and read, but i’m also OCRing the PDF (it takes a long time to OCR a document this big) so I can search in it. I’m annoyed they gave us a scanned PDF and not a already searchable one, and really it’s not that hard to bookmark the sections. Adobe gives us so

My 68-year old cousin just started watching GOT and refers to “Sansa” as “Salsa” and now I can’t stop calling her “Salsa.”

Normally my bleeding heart would say no jail time for non-violent offenders and children shouldn’t have to pay for their parent’s mistakes, but...

Oh I totally agree, and I’m not voting for this guy in the primaries, though I’ll take him over President Sexual Assault. But I’m just coming off a ridiculous FB conversation where someone claimed that it’s the grab-ee’s job to tell the grab-er that she doesn’t want a hug. So I was glad that he is mildly better than

And I’m glad that he said that it’s *his responsibility* to make sure there okay with that. Because it is.

Joe and Bernie need to go away. Their time is up.

Bernie Sanders supporters acting like assholes? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters being completely irrational about the Clintons? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check. How much do you want to bet at the planning meeting

These protesters were wearing Bernie shirts. To them the Clintons are guilty of everything under the sun.

I understand not knowing leaders all over the world, but wouldn’t the hours or days before an event like this be filled with prep, looking at pictures and memorizing names and such? Especially for the first lady, whose “job” is to host guests at the white house.

By orphaned, I just meant I hadn’t had a need to roll any prior 401k contributions into an IRA. I’m right between X and millennial. I plan to eat steak and eggs every day of my retirement. That way the coronary will get me long before my money runs out...

Hey Lauren, I just want to chime in along with everyone else and let you know this is a really shitty post. Like, colossally shitty. I don’t even have any snark for you. Clinton won the popular vote, she was profoundly qualified, and she got shat on for being a woman who knows how to get shit done in a world dominated

When they decided to go hard for Bernie. It’s not like there are any women running this time so it totally makes sense! 


Campaign finance laws and my limited bank account prevent me from giving the vast, vast sums of money to literally everyone in the field that isn’t Bernie, but I hope everyone here will take up some of my slack.