
I sense a distinct pattern here. Apparently there are numerous fans of multitasking here. Very efficient and productive.

Amen to being in Canada and having access to services (maybe not ideal, but mostly decent). I am sorry you found, and find, yourself in need of the support, but glad it’s there for you.

YUM! Good idea. Thank you.

No. And I think I may regret that based on my quick search. I’ll have to track it down and watch it. Thank you!

I claim ownership to weird! Truly just a weirdo with a penchant for uncomfortable eye contact and an inability to stop talking about all the things I knew about whatever subject I had latched onto at the time. But I really appreciate you thinking that is a great thing. You are very kind!

I was only half joking in my post. I do use the term frequently and relatively indiscriminately in my own little circle of friends- many of whom are also affected by mental health issues. But they know, you know? It really is such a loaded word- and can be harmful to those who need support but are afraid of the label

Also, I look forward to looking her up!

I highly recommend you go down the intertube rabbit hole to see just how many women in history did notable things. Most of the stuff you first pull up in search is European and some more on what is now Middle Eastern in search results. There are Mongol warriors, Indonesian pirates, Muslim soldiers/poets/philosophers,

True story- I dressed up as Eleanor of Aquitaine for Halloween when I was 11. I was a seriously weird kid and NO one knew who I was when I was out trick or treating- so I lectured them. Yep- right there, blocking their doorway and explaining to them who she was and what she did and what a wimple was while they handed

I have no idea. She was a fucking force of nature. It is very likely there are quite a few shows produced in China about her, but not much, if anything, outside of China. It needs to change. (Hi HBO/Starz/Amazon/Netflix, etc- we need this!)

I think royals and leaders have the most written about them in historical texts. Your average woman or non leadership/non royal figure would not have as much mention in recorded history and facts would be scarce. Nor would they have likely been as great an agent of change. They simply didn’t have the same kind of

And because I’m a fucking idiot, I would like to add the following below. Google, when I plugged in key search words for “women warriors in history”, takes a decidedly Caucasian tack and did not include/prioritize sites that contained any of the MANY powerful women in history who happen to be black. So if you are

A mass exodus of members from the NRA might do the trick, or at least make a powerful statement. I am amazed this has not happened. Not only does it indicate the NRA does not represent “normal” gun owners, but the drastically reduced membership would also reduce the amount of money the NRA gets from membership fees.

I’d like to say “You’d be amazed!” but really, this is not surprising at all.

I had a fucking gargantuan English book that likely would have bored the bullet to death before it made it through all 4 inches of it.

Pretty sure God is leaving most people to their own devices these days. Divine intervention can only go so far when an entire species seems collectively determined to destroy itself in so many different spectacular ways.

They were doing it for science. Good call.

This is really the only appropriate question.

Poorly informed and not at all intelligent describes them better- also, apparently desperate as hell for attention. “Crazy” is insulting to us real crazies. I am absolutely certifiable and definitely would not think shooting someone with a book in front of them is a good idea.