
That’s the most logical thought. My other thought is that this kid got pulled for a shitty attitude, doing something off-ice to endanger his place on the team or which did not follow some team policy or another. Being 17 means being a dipshit sometimes. Or, he has norovirus and they’re keeping it in-house for some

I pray for this every night. Bettman needs to go out Scanners style.

I’d watch Fox if something like this happened. Not a full flame but a slow crawling ember. Imagine the forehead ash slowly expanding...

Agreed. All of the hard stuff and none of the thrill-pretty light on things like bombing down the mountain as fast as you can go. Cross country would make more sense to me if it was a race to the top of a steep slope and then down again. There is ZERO reward to cross country skiing in my opinion. Which is definitely

I would 1000% see any movie this woman writes and/or directs. Her sci fi aesthetic is top notch. She absolutely has the Midas touch when it comes to both visual and musical expression. (insert whatever superlatives here- she is ALL of them)

I love this so very much. Brilliant. So sparkly. SO MAKEUP-Y.

I am sorry for exposing you to something that should remain deeply buried in the sparse populated and dark corners of the Internet.

I once saw a picture of a gymnast springing a leak mid flip and thought I’d try to find it for you as evidence. However, I REALLY do not recommend a search for the image. I had no idea there was porn out there (and oh my god, how dumb am I? Of COURSE there is.) that involved gymnasts and peeing.

I used to wear something similar for a sport I played and I have to tell you not only are they impossible to remove easily, you have to wrestle that fucker back on over skin that’s damp from sweat- something that takes a fair bit of strength. Also, given the potential limited time between heats in which to get the

Jesus, ma. How many times do I have to remind you that I’m a woman. I know the drugs were good in the 70's, but come on.

Yep- covered by Buzzfeed. It’s right here

Snitch line operators are standing by!

The dude was adopted- so no doubt that is also something Trump might like to add in the “reasons it’s not the gun’s fault” list of excuses.

I am also 100% convinced of this. And she will likely manage it through sheer force of iron will.

They had “shelter in place” drills at my kid’s school- multiple times yearly. We live in Canada. It is very likely US schools have implemented these drills too.

Grandparents are the worst for that shit. Now my kid is 18, they focus all that appeasement/over catering to bad behaviour on my dogs. So now the dogs go apeshit and get totally out of control whenever my parents come over.

It’s all you can really do. Be prepared, try to head off the things that elicit tantrums and then deal with them firmly when one happens. You are a good parent.

It sounds like you dated my mother. If that’s the case, I am profoundly sorry you had to deal with that. The blood sugar thing may, indeed, be a reason for rage, however, it is not an excuse to treat people terribly. The next time someone uses this excuse for shitty behaviour run the other way!

It was implied that they did in the article, from what I recall. 8 hours straight of screaming is not normal young kid behaviour. It’s impossible to sustain that kind of output for so long without it being powered by some sort of developmental issue. That particular situation may have been a combo “kid with issues”

My kid had a real doozie of a meltdown when he was given the just the peas and shrimps from stir fried rice at a restaurant not 10 seconds after he’d been given the choice to have us do it or to do it on his own. Good times!