Melania’s hands are bigger.
Melania’s hands are bigger.
One of my favorite life moments. My husband and I have been cheerfully engaging in the bagel/baggle conversation for years. That episode could have been written specifically for us. It confirmed I was right, my husband DOES deserve mockery for his pronunciation.
Good call on the Trump part. I thought the exact same thing. Who would want to drink a thing endorsed by Trump? He’s not the best posterchild for Diet Coke for SO many reasons.
As my dearest ma always says “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”
Has the game dev received the obligatory death/rape threats yet? How about doxxing/swatting?
Mine! My mother in law got it for me 21 years ago and it’s still working just fine. It may sound like a weird present, but I swear to god, it was the best, most thoughtful and most appreciated gift from her. I bet there are many ancient crock pots out there that work just as well as the day they were purchased. That…
JT’s style inspiration:
He still looks like a youth pastor who dresses “cool” to connect with the youth- but can’t pull it off and ends up looking like he’s “urban” LARPing.
They don’t really seem to respect that boundary for some reason...ICE appears to consider themselves above the municipal/state law. I am wondering if churches are preparing liveable spaces where people can claim sanctuary in the years to come.
I feel the same as an outside observer looking in. It absolutely boggles the mind that there appears to be no real organized push back by the Democrats. I see individuals do so very eloquently and bravely, and sometimes even effectively, but mostly there just seems to be this sort of mass confusion that leaves room…
I should not be laughing at your incredibly witty and succinct assessment of the situation. Everything about this story is so so wrong. I assume there will be a whole bunch of suddenly available seats as some ticket holders weigh the risk and decide going to the Superbowl is a risk they can not take. ICE is straight…
Well, seeing as how you called me an idiot, colour me convinced! Have fun trolling here. Seems you are getting something out of it despite your lack of logic or ability to form coherent and convincing arguments. Are you avoiding chores today?
You do see the difference between a contact sport and making film, right? I think you are being willfully ignorant to prove some sort of weird point that only you understand.
Thank you for a very simple yet incisive explanation for people who want to see it all as sex motivated. You may have to repeat that a few times for the kids in the back. Logic can be ignored when people wish to see the current revelations as some sort of war on men.
I’d say the message there was “I am emotionally unprepared/unwilling to support you as you grieve.” Glad you ditched that friend.
Trauma Scale is a much better term than what my friends and I call the Suffering Olympics- which we usually refer to when observing FB conversations about who has “it” worse. Thank you.
Foreign/ancient language always equals FANCY. And any conversation is improved by adding fancy words in. Frageeeelay!
I played box lacrosse as a kid in the 80's with two Devins, a Corey, a Cory, a Kim, two Codys, a Mikey, one each of Shawn, Sean, Shane, and a Brad. So, basically any Devin I’ve met has been a standout douchebag of the first water. I mean, you’d think there’s nothing worse than a Cody with a mullet that always stinks…
“the present climate causes me, and more importantly, my family, far too much stress, difficulty and uncertainty.”
It really is. And I was completely unprepared. I’d like to say something trite, like “It’s SOOOO worth it. It’s the most fulfilling thing a person can do.” but I’d be totally lying. There is not one day where I ask myself, what the fuck am I doing? If I break this person there is no way I can fix it.