I highly recommend you get to searching because she is amazing. She is enormously talented, highly intelligent and a goddamn delight, even if her music is not to your taste.
I highly recommend you get to searching because she is amazing. She is enormously talented, highly intelligent and a goddamn delight, even if her music is not to your taste.
I firmly believe she has been convinced to stay for now. Can you imagine how he’d respond to a divorce in the middle of his term? He would be a frothing mad man driven to destroy her in response to the humiliation of her rejection.
Pretty sure it’s been a business arrangement from the start. She’s sticking to the conditions carefully set out in the contract. It won’t be until it’s more lucrative to break it will she step out on her own.
The only person in that family that should be off limits is Barron. He is the only one who bears no responsibility for anything his dad, mum and step siblings have been perpetuating.
She needs to consult with Katie Holmes about what she needs to do. I am serious about that.
It’s very likely she NEVER had fond feelings for him. Strictly business.
I wonder how many death threats Ms Daniels has received already. Her coming forward has likely created a fair amount of personal danger to herself.
I would not be adverse to her helping him along. There are a variety of ways to do so.
Saw a quote the other day “If you marry for money, you will earn every penny.” I am sure she deeply regrets her choices. Maybe one day she’ll pull a Katie Holmes and get the hell out. I am SURE she has all sorts of “dirt” she can use as leverage to protect herself. However, her leaving when the ENTIRE world is…
Yes. Exactly. He has used a variety of things as ammunition in his attack on people he doesn’t like throughout the years. In no particular order: weight, diet, place of origin, wealth, “class”, intelligence, mental state, use of drugs/alcohol, physical fitness, morals, fuckability, religion, looks, monogamy, use of…
CBC is another good one. The general underlying tone to their reporting is a faintly amazed incredulity as they lay out the details with little editorializing. I can’t help but think this is an exciting and fulfilling time for non American media when it comes to reporting US politics.
JESUS! That poor model. Yeah, the person running the session should have been able to call a pose change or ask the model if they needed to stretch a bit before going back to pose.
We really have no idea how frequently we touch our faces till we try not to.
I feel like I should further clarify that it was grandma who was supposed to save my older dog, and not the other way around. The way I wrote it made it unclear. The dog is completely ill equipped for any emergencies.
Somehow I feel like that could have been used as some sort of positive thing for you- It would have been an excellent way to get them out the door and let you have a peaceful few moments to yourself. Also, I empathize with you for having roommates that were the human equivalent of golden retrievers.
We’ve tried that. Sadly it simply doesn’t work. We even kept the one that came with the alarm and creates an excellent seal. Nope. The alarm wants to be an active participant in our festive traditions.
Really, they don’t need choreography. They just need to look delightful and sound good. While I hated their music, they were not painful to look at or listen to. And it’s clear that most, if not all of them, were pretty excellent singers. The post group careers of a few of them has been pretty successful.
Good for you! I am super serious about that. You are living testament that washing your hands prevents the spread of disease. It’s SO EASY. You don’t even need antibacterial shit. As a matter of fact, it’s best if you don’t use it. Just plain old soap is the best.
I am sure she’s had many people explain to her that having the flu is infinitely more uncomfortable than a sharp pain in the arm that lasts all of .2 seconds. BAH!
There is speculation that Jack the Ripper was an artist- Walter Sickert