
You should comment there! Weirdly enough, I’ve found it way less of a minefield than expected. I have received almost zero trolling on Deadspin when I comment- way less than here. Somehow I am ungreyed there and I have no idea how it happened. I admit, I do not enjoy being told by dudes that I, as a woman, need to

This disturbs me to no end. He’s burned everything down and is back to salt the earth.

My favorites are the dudes who contort themselves so hard not to say “not all men” but manage to do so anyhow, all while complaining about getting mixed messages and how were they supposed to ask people for dates without getting called out for sex pestering and why won’t women just tell them what to do. It’s been

I have had two male dogs, neither lifted their legs. It’s all about the upbringing...

Kevin Smith also did a while back. But 3 or 4 guys in the entirety of the Hollywood machine/entertainment industry is a bit of a shitty percentage.

They can. It’s too bad, as I say- but not unexpected. Kind of hard to change social norms overnight. People are totally spinning and trying to find the right tack to take and people are bound to fuck it up or miss the point. It’s a massive move off the previous track. I sincerely hope the momentum continues, despite

Couple drops of iodine in there and you’re gold.

Canada is a better place than Hawaii for fake girlfriends. Exciting things rarely happen here.

Yep. That will continue to happen till the old dinosaurs all die off because the money and power they’ve accumulated insulates them, it seems. My hopes of change are with the younger guys- The Afflecks, Piven, Franco, etc. They’ve been called out now, and are having to explain themselves. Hoping the witch hunt

Someone bring me some bleach, stat!

Every woman who has come forward has likely received death threats, threats of rape or threats against their families, has been dismissed, doubted and suppressed, lost opportunities and taken a hit on their reputations, lost employment opportunities and so on, a bit of backlash would be expected if a man openly

People like me, eh? Okay!

There are some seriously decent dudes out there. I am hoping these brave guys are an inspiration to others to come forward. So far they are the minority and are likely catching shit as some sort of traitor to “men”.

Rage inducing, isn’t it? Create a system where the choice is “whore” or “prude” and then condemn people when they try to say they’ve been treated unfairly.

That’s what prompted my comment- it saddens me, but I expected nothing less from him and people like him. He hit the jackpot and now it’s being threatened. Way easier to dismiss than to sit down and think about how he’s benefited over the years- not just through talent, as he’s been led to believe, but because he’s a

Initial thought- “Good. They were taking up space that a whole variety of other people might be more qualified for.”

I have heard the “I can’t say anything because I’ll drown their voices.” excuse and I don’t buy it.

I would be really happy for a few dudes who have worked with Woody Allen or any of the reported abusers to weigh in and add their voices to the “Not working with this guy again” conversation. Their silence is deafening as only women appear to be called to account for it, are taking the professional hit and have to

Their proposal for an after school program was inspired. Also, their campaigning for pro choice- making abortion a religious right for their church members- was also inspired. I’d happily marry the entire Satanic Temple too. My husband wouldn’t even mind- he’s an escapee from Pentacostalism.

This is why I am now known as the person who brings asshole pies to potlucks. Apple pies are too mundane.