
That is a conservative reflection- you’re right!

My old roller derby name was Shifty. However, I have never been to Maine, but I might as well cop to it. That’s right, I got all your daughters pregnant.

I figured it was mat herpes when I saw the announcement. Poor guys. That shit’s awful.

And they would very much like to snuggle you even if they don’t know you yet. They haven’t met you, but they sure do love you a whole bunch. A WHOLE BUNCH. My younger larger one will even bring you things and insist you take them- I hope you like socks, things from the laundry pile, pre-moistened (the dogs chew ‘em

Yeah, the daycare ownership bit threw me a little. Now I’m hoping this was a plot to blackmail. Because if it wasn’t, the daycare is a major issue that would need to be examined pretty closely.

It is all women’s fault. All of it. Women cause their own assaults. And then they let the men get away with it by not saying anything (except for those times when they make false rape accusations- which is all the time). And then they defend other men who have assaulted other women (and little girls too, I guess) and

I also need for every white person, friend or otherwise, to stop declaring their “wokeness” as loudly as possible in front of me

Those tails are capable of Jackson Pollock levels of artistry.

Came here to say this. That is not a husky. Not in any way, shape or form. As an enthusiast and haver of golden retrievers, I am an expert on goldens and that is a golden puppy. I don’t even judge on his holding technique- they can suddenly deflate and mimic Salvador Dali clocks. Affleck is a shitty person, but his

Can’t be harassed if you’re locked away in towers, the kitchen, the nursery, etc. Can’t be harassed if you’re accompanied by male relatives, bodyguards, spouses wherever you go. You can’t be harassed if you are chattel- you aren’t actually a person, so it doesn’t count! You know, the Good Old Days!

They’re too stupid to be swayed with logic and empathy. Driving them underground is the best civilized folk can do.

As the last of the people who know the horrors of WW II die of old age and their living memories become forgotten, these pustules crop up and are allowed to fester. It seems that society as a whole can only learn from immediate experience and have to go through the whole process again.

Punching is too good for people who romanticize Nazis. Thank you for posting the link on Janusz Korczak. It’s hard to read such a story, but important to understand the horrors these alt-right nazi Larpers seem to worship. There is no reasoning with such animals. The only way is to frighten them enough to hide in

I figure they’ve already started. But it’s a dating service for just one guy- Keith Raniere 

Who was the genius who named this? Because that certainly looks like an appropriate name for it according to wiki.

Seems a bit more exciting than candles and makeup, eh?

I was thinking the exact same thing. Hey Miscavige! Come get your kid brother.

Orwell and Huxley couldn’t have made this shit up.

Like Lars von Trier. They don’t get to define what harassment and assault is. Their victims do via the justice system. Ask a serial harasser and they will deny because they were “just flirting”. Or, in the case of Lars, “getting the best out of his actresses”. Or breaking them down for art, whatever.

I would be ok with application of thumbscrews and seeing if those fuckers float or not.