
He is the living example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. He’s so dumb he has no idea he’s dumb.

Thing is, most of us really have had a crazy ex. Or an irrational one. Or one who was a drunk. Or controlling, etc. It’s how we choose to talk about it- and it sounds like you are discussing it in an aware and careful manner.

Unless he’s changed his ways, you are likely referred to as such (badge of honour!). Not only used as a way to make the dude seem blameless in a break up, it’s also used to control the behaviour of the next person down the line. No one wants to be as crazy as the last gf, am I right?

Oh dearie me. Crazy= called him on his shit?

Let me guess- She was crazy, right?

Please tell me there’s classes for that. Does it require getting a certification of some sort? Which semester contains the “Fireworks” component?

It’s fucking crazy-making, isn’t it?

The one guaranteed to make me feel nuclear is “Why do you have to make such a big deal?”

Not all men...etc, etc.

Every time I see their home made shields and bracers and shit, I think CRAFT NIGHT! And see them busy in someone’s mom’s basement with their duct tape and boxes from the liquor store/Costco, and Olfa knives, eating Doritos and chugging 2 liter discount pop and talking shit about how tough they all are.

Proving once again that good research nets results. Thank you!

The bike lanes appear to be specifically designed to herd cyclists into a small area at right hand turns to maximize damage from cars turning right. As a former bike courier, I can attest that Vancouver drivers are not bike savvy and cyclists are entitled and aggressive. It’s an EXCELLENT mix.

I use their Citrus sometimes. You’re right- they DO have good smells.

I hate the feeling of synthetic stuff against my skin- your uniform sounds like a nightmare.

I could never find anything deoderant-wise to help me with terrible b.o. from anxiety and anxiety meds. I ended up deciding I wanted to smell good more than I wanted to keep aluminum out of my body and went with Drysol antiperspirant after every shower/bath and then a regular scented or unscented antiperspirant in the

I see this. Woody Allan and Roman Polansky are still in the biz and receiving accolades despite pedophilia. Mel Gibson is a terrible racist and abuser- he’s just fiiiine.

Pretty he’ll want to save something for next season’s story line. Perhaps another rose ceremony for picking VP when the Devil hauls Pence off to the Bad Place for hypocrisy and idolatry. 

My guess is a poorly written and planned semi-scripted reality show.

This whole thing is further proof to me that it’s (Trump’s presidency, ugh) the ultimate semi scripted reality show. He’s doing it for the ratings. His supporting actors must have been instructed to put on a bit of a show to distract from the poorly written story line that was his response to Puerto Rico. We’re

I’m not sure there’s enough verbal tapdancing in the world to explain that this meant anything other than white woman beauty> woman of colour beauty