
First thing I thought too. “Well shit. Here we go.” Plus the dude who saved the day had his own gun and the NRA will be all excited about that. Then I remembered that people were threatened, injured and killed and I felt bad about thinking about the optics of the situation before thinking about the people who were

Get ready for his redemption tour after he gets out. Guaranteed he already has a book deal.

Repetitive stress injury is a bitch, yo.

He really has been a pain in the ass for a really long time. I would certainly have considered it if I was her. Even if just for ruining my friend’s life and credibility. He’s been a fucking drag for ever. He’s like an uncut pet dog that won’t stop humping everyone’s leg- even at fancy cocktail parties and business

I noticed the exact same thing. An interesting word choice.

Old crotchety cats are firm believers in capital punishment, public humiliation and first rights in anything and everything. Golden retriever puppies don’t have a chance. My cat can saunter under the dog, go between his front legs, and pull something out of the dog’s bowl from right under his nose-and the dog will

Mine are golden retrievers and don’t have an aggressive bone in their body. They were also raised “cat literate”- the cat existed in the house before the puppies came and taught them proper cat manners. I know real dogs like to chase and sometimes kill cats. Mine are not real dogs.

It really was a surreal show. All I remember was Timmy and Susan Lucci’s daughter.

I’m wondering what happened before the footage started. Like, why was he calling the police to complain about the police?

I do admit, we also use “Go on, git.” too, but that just means to stop staring at me while I’m in the kitchen. If I want them to actually go elsewhere and stay there, I have to include the “lie down” part. Otherwise they just sort of mill around and forget what they’re supposed to be doing.

No idea. It was all weird. I was mostly wondering what started the whole interaction.

Betcha it went really well with weed or day drinking. I was too young and innocent then for such mid-day depravity. But now? I’d be ALL over it.

He is sooo drunk. I talk like that when I am tipsy and want to pretend I am totally in control sober. Also, wtf is he going on about?

Aside from your “all clear” result (must have been a complete relief) I hope you are ok. Working through it or not, that’s seriously shitty for you and I am sorry.

Untreatable gonorrhea is now rampant. Syphilis is on the rise. Kids, wrap it the fuck up.

God. Passions was SO BAD. I watched it religiously.

Still hoping for any of the following to befall these “people”.

Taxes definitely DO count. Also, pets enhance your life. This is a valuable service to society.

I am envisioning taking a leap and doing a giant belly flop right onto your couch/dog/cat pile and living happily ever after in a pile of happy animals.

Dogs are funny, aren’t they? They KNOW their cat friend is higher on the hierarchy ladder. I mean, cats have furniture privileges! They are boss. You can’t bite the boss or mum/dad will say “NO BAD DOG” and then they will be sad.