Question- who’s the commentator on this clip?
Question- who’s the commentator on this clip?
14 year old me watched Material Girl over and over and knew every damn word and move. While I don’t think it’s stood the test of time for adult me, it’s the one that made the most impression in my formative years. Vogue comes next on the list.
No accusations of virtue signalling coming from me!
Sure did! Joseph Boyden.
Thanks to you and all others who participate in this. I look forward to reading about this, and hope those commenters on here will also speak of their experience.
Thank you! I boil eggs once a year at Christmas time to make deviled eggs (3 doz eggs!) and this has always been my least enjoyable thing to with it. Swearing and fretting over the wonky eggs is a tradition I am happy to leave behind.
Actual on-site Thoughts and Prayers? That’s overdoing it, don’t you think?
Ha! My husband said the exact same thing! And he’s an escapee - recovered Pentacostal.
Me neither, truth be told.
BRING IT. I hope they sue that fucker three ways from Sunday.
Maybe the Pentecostals are right. It’s the End Times. May they all be Raptured up so the rest of us can just get on with things.
OK. You got me there. I definitely stand corrected. One big and very well planned rampage. You are so right.
You know when you make a joke and take a situation to a ridiculous end? And then reality asserts itself and it stops being a joke and is just scary reality. God will take care of climate change. OF COURSE
Dead eyes. Stephen Miller has dead eyes. Trump is a bloviating, ham fisted nazi apologist, but Stephen Miller is serial killer levels of intensity and he scares me.
I am torn about Kanye. I like him in all his messy, obnoxious, challenging, weird and strangely vulnerable glory. I see fear or trepidation in his eyes in most candid pictures of him. Like he’s just waiting on the rejection or mockery but he keeps putting himself out there. It made so much sense to me when he had to…
I wish them every success! I am sure these kids are being followed by lawyerly people flicking their business cards like the guys on the Vegas strip. Well, it’s my wish anyhow. Even just to pay for their hospital expenses, minor though they may be.
Oh my god. THOSE guys. I am not watching that fight just on principle. I don’t believe they’ll actually fight. They’ll just get into the ring and beak off at each other about who has the biggest dick and who’s the straightest most straight, so totally not gay dude ever. Fuck those guys. And their managers and…
She’s all “What? WHAT? We scorpion ladies need love too. You don’t know me.”
This is us at the vet too! I have a dog whose hind legs appear to operate independently of the rest of his body when he gets stressed. A lino floor is not the friend of a panicking dog. They always think he’s got hip dysplasia when we’re there because he just can’t get it together. Nope. Just a spaz. Will try the…