
If you can, maybe dip into the FB group to see what I mean. There’s a few militants who are posting about property destruction and violent resistance. Given how the police in Vancouver respond to some crowd situations, I don’t particularly trust them to make decisions that will de-escalate a situation. I was at the

I don’t think I’ve done my time yet. I am, however, out of the grays on Deadspin, of all places. What a world!

It’s a hard thing to conceptualize if it hasn’t been directed towards you or a loved one, or you don’t have close relationships with those who are discriminated against. It takes work and self examination that many people aren’t willing to do because it challenges their concept of their own innate goodness.

Yep. Vancouver.

Both of which are delicious, by the way. Just maybe throw some veggies in there when you can. Even if it’s just a spoonful of your kid’s mashed green stuff. Balance is important.

NO! Oh my god. No. Not just baby food. Utter and complete ambrosia for adults. Made with lots of butter and 33% milk fat cream and saaaalt. If you want to get fancy, boil a clove of garlic (or 10!) with the tatties. Or, throw in pieces of apple when boiling to add sweetness. NOT JUST FOR BABIES.

There is an outstanding artist by the name of Neko Case- whom Miley Cyrus seems to have taken a shit ton of “inspiration” from in this most recent release.

Mashed potatoes (plain, yam, sweet) are fucking delicious and are totally appropriate for adults. As is apple sauce, mixed fruit puree, creamed cauliflower, oatmeal, etc, etc. You weren’t the only one to “share” your kids’ home made baby food, let me tell you. I was so focused on making sure my kid got a variety of

Your opinion is qualified. You clearly have a grasp of performative competitive parenting.  

Oh, I have no idea. I only know the one in my city. And only because my local paper had a thing in it. If you have a local BLM chapter or core group of social activists, I would think they would be able to tell you any details of something close to you. Sorry!

A great many people are taking it as a recommendation to do nothing and to not “feed the trolls” by attending counter rallies.

That’s because Portlandia was written with exactly these people in mind. I think it’s performative activism conducted by people who see themselves as good and have no clue about real oppression. They know intellectually that they should be outraged, but don’t have that real and constant living under threat feeling

Tell that to the glitter people. Go on, I dare you!

I heard some really disturbing commentary about the Charlotte fiasco. (weapons caches). Your comments about what the nazis are there for is spot on. I hope people can get over their surprise about this shit quickly and actually collectively resist. BLM can’t do it on their own, nor should they have to. The fractured

Folks are, quite literally, bringing picnics to war tomorrow. And their family. And tubas. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if that one crazy dude who has a parrot/snake/ferret on their shoulders shows up too. (every city has at least one of these guys, right?). Also, that guy with bagpipes on stilts/goat legs/unicycle

I think the problem up here is that the general population is so firmly entrenched in their false beliefs about what it means to be Canadian. We’re POLITE and NICE! And if most folks can’t believe a person would be so crass as to bud in line at the grocery store, how on earth could they wrap their heads around someone

Thanks. I should have known better. In my defense, Trump is so bananas I’m willing to believe anything at this point.

Perhaps if they call his name three times he’ll disappear in a puff of smoke?

He totally got me this morning with another one. I am ashamed.

Aw thanks! I am a partial gimp (I have a recently acquired limp) so we’ve made an escape plan already. I’ve been in a couple of large crowds that have experienced a sudden violent tone change before, so know the signs that things are rapidly going off the rails and will get out before it’s too late.