
Big rigs too- I snooped in a racist person’s groups membership on FB (know your enemy), visited the trucker group they were members of and it was wall to wall Trump support and Confederate flag shit. These people drive your fruit and tp all over the country and hate anyone who isn’t white and a dude.

My concern is with his need to inform someone he has the semblance of a soul. No you don’t dude. It’s right up there with “Some of my friends are gay.” as a reason to justify behaviour that is opposite to what you wish to convince people of.

“I remember a guy that had a dream. Do you remember that too? I doubt it. Please show me the content of your character if you do.”

Because, and this is my understanding as a white person observing the terrible self centred ignorance of fellow whites:

I agree. That’s an astoundingly tiny expense for the NFL. It’s a tax break as well, should there be incentive programs to take advantage of. Cost of MRIs would be even further reduced if there was a steady stream of athletes flowing through them. A team could buy a damn mri for several millions and donate exam time to

Jesus. He’s a fucking brat.

RIGHT? Uh, I’m not offended by what she said. It was actually a great comparison. It’s obvious she knows someone, or more than one someone, with such limitations. Don’t be offended on my behalf random concern troller, thanks.

The NFL won’t take responsibility until they (someone else)can tie these poor guys’ random, initially subtle and absolutely devastating onset of motor control, mood and cognition to impact related neurodegenerative disease. Wise people should be getting yearly MRIs of their brains and tracking inflammation markers.

Penthouse is WAY better, my friend told me. I wouldn’t know though. I just heard that.

Because then they’d have to admit that Muslims are targets of hate. Which is directly in contradiction to the the current and official line that it’s the Muslims who are terrible and everyone else is fine. Except for the Mexicans and black folks of course.

Jesus. Climate scientists must be rage drinking and making lists of people they’d like to write sternly worded letters to right right now.

Golly! Healthcare sure scrubs up pretty! Heeeey there, little lady! How yooo doin’?

Can be rendered into easily consumed portions such as slices for children and applesauce for infants and old folks. If you can’t consume the provided medical solution, you are to be left on an ice floe, sent down the river or culled in some other way from the herd depending on culture and location.

To be fair though, this works quite handily for gaping wounds (as my prepper first aid book tells me).

There’s no Jeebus Cross in this picture. Go back and try again.

To be fair, he inherited a complete steaming pile, so maybe he wasn’t wrong?

“the worst corporate culture I’ve heard of in 30 years as a civil rights attorney.”

I would like to state I feel like Sisyphus every damn day. I don’t care if anyone understands me or not.

Now playing

I admire and appreciate your honesty. If you know a cool and interesting word with amazing connotations and which comes with an historical event behind it- use the damn word as much as you can. However, be wary or you might come to be viewed as the “ascertain” guy from Kids in the Hall.

I did, indeed. And it was deliberate too! I REGRET NOTHING