Turns out the context is, there are developmental issue. He’s an immigrant who has shown problematic behaviour before, and likely has some sort of cognitive impairment, given the type of school he went to in Russia.
Turns out the context is, there are developmental issue. He’s an immigrant who has shown problematic behaviour before, and likely has some sort of cognitive impairment, given the type of school he went to in Russia.
I was in Zambia with a couple of Aussies many many years ago. Australia had mandatory voting- and these two guys basically did a a non comedic and absolutely grueling 4 day reenactment of Planes, Trains and Automobiles to get to an Australian consul in order to vote.
That’s really unfortunate. I have never heard more impassioned and sensible speeches as from that young woman. There needs to be more “young folk” like her throughout all the parties in order to engage the younger generations and get them out to the polls. The Can’t Be Arsed (non voters) party takes the majority with…
Thanks very much.
Thank you!
Yes. YES! I will “Well, actually...” the next person who uses that term in anything less than amazed admiration. (Hi Uncle Mike!)
Can you explain the possible Sturgeon departure? Do you think the SNP will lose that many seats? And to whom? I have a drunk Scots uncle and a rabid SNP mum, and neither of them are making much sense right now. I’m just not getting the “sense” of this election and am having a hard time detecting patterns.
Plus his black friends- can’t forget about them. He has black friends. He’s not like this. This is not him. He was stressed about exams and had a brief “moment”. His parents raised him to respect all people. He is colourblind. etc etc etc
Will this type of answer back from an investigating officer be used as a way to insinuate police bias in any way?
False equivalency because GOP email servers illuminati redneck alt-right MAGA MAGA MAGA old white guys know best or something.
UNFAIR TO BOOBS! I know some nice ones.
They’re not even rewarding average competence any more. Straight up incompetence is a cause for celebration.
So, the GOP are fine with using Trump’s incompetence at being president as a defense. The USA is being led by someone who is openly deemed incompetent by his own administration and party.
Pretty sure you just posted a picture of Eric Trump without his man costume on, there.
I just get a really weird feeling to hear this. Is the bar that low? He just has to come across has being confident and smart and possibly possess some form of mild to medium integrity? Is he just being compared to those in his immediate surroundings right now? Or is he being compared to the general population?
They’d be better off coming up with something to justify McCain’s clearly abnormal behaviour. I’d be interested to know what they’d formulate.
Trump uses his own phone and gives his number out to people in leadership and encourages them to call him any time. He conducts official and sensitive government business in a public space and on Twitter. And people are all in a lather over HRC’s fucking email? STILL? The sheer hypocrisy is breathtaking.
I’d be more concerned if it was Comey showing confusion. I admit, I was worried he’d meet with an accident before these hearings. I am wondering if his choice to be pretty out there in the public forum was to make sure he wasn’t offed- because now it’s too public and his death/injury would have basically confirmed…
So, Comey wanted it out there in the hopes that there WAS a tape to corroberate what he said was discussed? Or to counter what was on the tape, should there actually be one?
Old folks are supposed to be able to apply the wisdom they’ve gained from their long life experience, uncompromised by the passions of youth. However, there’s old, and then there’s OLD. And some of these guys have tipped over the edge into senility, clearly, and are no longer suitable for the job.