
Glad I went to one that didn’t give a shit what people wore, only how they behaved. A kid a couple grades older than me created a sensation when she wore a “Frankie says fuck you” tshirt once. But, still, everyone managed to not be distracted, and no teacher or admin asked her to remove it. I think a couple teachers

Good for those moments in life when you feel some smiting needs to happen.

They are cherry picking the passages they wish to follow. And they aren’t even following the spirit of the passages, but twisting them to suit their desires.

Thank you! Keep working at it. I’ve lived here for 13 years, and the hummingbirds only showed up last year. My husband was standing on the patio pontificating (as he does) and started flapping his hands and told me it sounded like the biggest fucking wasp had buzzed him- and there was the bird just working away on the

I know. Really sad. This is a girl who had some serious decisions made for her before she was mature enough to handle it on her own. Her mother put her on the game when she had no autonomy and couldn’t say no. Now THAT’S aging.

I am 44 and she looks older than me. I would like to say it’s a healthy lifestyle and worry free life that keeps me young looking (booze and worry all the way), but mostly it’s just that I look younger than her. So my trick to looking young is to make sure to always stand next to Courtney Stodden when she wears the

Shit. I graduated in ‘91- over 25 years ago. I showed up in grade 11 in thigh highs and exposed garter straps under my mini skirt with zero comment from my high school teachers, principal or from any distracted boy.

You know what? His hummingbird thing is kind of neat. I think it humanizes him a bit.

Someone needs to call them. Or write a letter!

You feel like a 6 pack? Because I sure do!

Yep. One dude with dreams of his very own private boy army.

Oh golly no. Not like Mike Pence at all- who is a denier. A denier of rights. A denier of science. A denier of needs. A denier of everything he doesn’t understand and what he can’t explain.

I dunno. It can be muddy for many people. As an example (and I am totally outing him), my husband is an electrical engineer, Team Tesla (not Team Edison), believer in scientific theory, thought and process, a believer in evolution, big fan of dinosaurs and totally devout supporter of Intelligent Design and a creator’s

Thank you science person. It’s good to clarify such things to head off the “Well, actually” folk.

I would like to turn that around and state that people should be fostering the life that their good Lord supposedly put on Earth. People are supposed to care for the animals and plants as a way to show their deep respect, love and honour for their Divine God. Looks to me that they are worshiping the almighty dollar

That’s totally what I though when I saw the headline. I was disappointed, I admit.

I have never heard of this show before. Instant engagement due to the announcers and choice to get reaction shots from team mates along with her amazing feats of strength and coordination.

It’s good to note that though. Guess they want people to have their fun in cult mandated and approved ways only. However, I do get squicked out by the notion someone sat down and put “No masturbating” down as a rule for White Supremacist kiddie fight club or whatever the fuck they are. I am sure it’s because the

That looks highly entertaining. I will be looking this up for sure.

Yep. I like my neighbourhood for that. Relatively large area, but with a small town atmosphere. There have been some shitty dog situations, but the dog parkers have mobilized to make sure it gets wrapped up quickly. Guaranteed that someone knows someone, or their kids are classmates, on the same sports team or buys