
Soon as you can, go see Big Sonia.

Donna Pescow (the therapist) Was Travolta’s co-star in Saturday Night Fever. 

The whole thing will turn out to be on Westworld’s South 40.

We have conquered Christmas and made slaves of its inhabitants. Now, on to Arbor Day!

I’ll be disappointed if you don’t get around to “The Bed Sitting Room.”

Jeez Louise, how do you list the Goldblum Fly and NOT Aronofsky’s Pi?

Harcourt Fenton Mudd, all the way!

We’re off to see the Wizard! The wonderful . . . .

I only want to say that Kirkman routinely deletes her tweets, intending them for an immediate conversation and not for the ages. It doesn’t mean she disavows them, only that, as I understand it, she doesn’t want to feed trolls, who naturally gravitate to her, as a woman who has little patience for them.

Of late that step is known as the “Iowa Caucus.”

I’ve a recent discovery at a local hipster ramen shop called BORU. The noodles are fine, but they have an appetizer they call simply Fries. It’s sweet potato fries - actually crispy out and tender in - tossed with pork belly, kim chee, and a cilantro lime aioli, and topped with a soft fried egg to stir into the

Three funnier films than some of these: The Gods Must Be Crazy, Cold Comfort Farm, and Lightning Over Braddock.

But it could also mean nothing, Jon Snow.

But would Arya be fooled this easily? Adverbs modify verbs. Easy is an adjective. They modify nouns. Now I'm going to go yell at the cat.

If/when Jon learns his lineage, he and Dany - nice people for royals - will be too grossed out to ah "sit on the throne" together. OTOH, Jon and Sansa admire and respect one another AND could unite North and South once and for all, if they can get from imaginary half-incest to it-just-feels-like-incest. Oh boy will

I'm glad to see someone treating this stuff with the seriousness it deserves.

Euron intends to bring Tyrion to Cersei as his wedding gift. After all, he mentioned Tyrion's "treason" AND said he'll bring the Incest Queen what she wants most. So duh.

The prize Euron is fetching for Cersei is Tyrion, right? Heart's desire and all that? I don't know whether to look forward to wisecracker vs wisecracker or not. I mean, I'm the funny one. Not at the moment, but yeah.

Something something earworm.