
Yes to all that. I was thinking of the constituent colors of wildfire, that Arya too is all that death, so yeah, wildfire colors. Joker colors even.

Dumbo is my favorite of the Walt's feature cartoons, but mostly for the prettily surreal animation. (Pink Elephants On Parade, anyone?) I'm not sure there's enough story there minus the fireworks. They'll have to pad this with Children Learning A Lesson and make it tiresome.

Everyone is dressed either as a super villain or a sidekick. Who will wear the primary colored tights? Arya seems to have the most conflict-ready super (OK, mystical) powers. I'm thinking lemon yellow and dark green?

I don't find that you folks have covered Bliss (Australia, 1985), my very favorite movie about the afterlife, which follows an amiable storyteller from his death in the first scene to a rediscovery of his own life over a sprawling, often loony landscape.

"prospective" is an adjective. "perspective" is the noun you want.
On to the next word!

Ennui smells like flowers!

I've been waiting so long for this, I feel like I've already seen it.

Professional courtesy. As I read it, Burton wanted to audition him. A major director wants to see you, you go, even when you don't want the part. There'll be another part someday, and you don't want the major director saying, "Nah, he's an asshole. Wouldn't even see me."

You want to see King Sunny Ade if you possibly can. Guy freaking levitated me.
And you wish you could have seen Joplin. So do I.


Because they are horrible, horrible people.

If other people's hate killed Roger Ailes, it worked far too slowly, especially given how much of that hate he invited on himself and for how long by demonizing real Americans and lying lying lying. In future, may I suggest trip wires and rusty nails? OR a free and independent press unafraid of the vicissitudes of

The show everyone would watch and never admit it would be no more than dragons hunting, eviscerating, roasting, and eating sheep, shepherds, horses, soldiers, witches, princesses, courtesans, dogs and cats, each other now and then. Animal Planet would be able to buy National Geographic after a couple of seasons.

Good piece. Makes me want to see this thing. Now, which one of my gfs has Hulu?
Feeling fussy today, so let me just mention that movies star actors and not the fictional characters portrayed therein. So, no movie "stars" Batman.
That feels better!

I suggested at the time that Seinfeld should end with Bob Newhart waking up next to Suzanne Pleshette and saying “Honey, wake up, you won’t believe the dream I just had.”
You had to be old, I guess.

I had no idea the HGB was a thing. I never lived in Atlanta, but just happened to buy a copy of Music to Eat in 1971 in St. Paul. (I liked the goopy, freaky cover.) I liked it OK, but my nerdnik dorm mates found it weird - which was usually a good thing, but not in this case, it seemed.
I don't think I've listened to

Real people are not on the internet. Real people watch television.

Let us not dwell upon the dead.

Oh, maybe you read the question as limiting responses to one-hit wonders. It doesn't, but I can see how someone might take it that way.

These are perfectly legitimate observations about yourself.