
Biggest advice is “be aware that you may find your game bugged into unplayability.” I’m not returning it, because I know it’ll be worth playing after a few patches — but this might go on the “play in a month” list. Even restarting/reinstalling/new save options can’t fix some of the bugs.

Some context for confused non-Americans reading this.

In America, our ability to afford doctors is tied up to our employers (should you be fortunate enough to be employed) and even then, most employers choose the cheapest available care. We’re talking no vision, no dental, specific doctors that are “out of network”

“You’re the ones comparing nooses to lynching, sounds like you’re the racists to me!”

Is it hard to be this ridiculous? I mean it must take a degree of effort to be so wrapped up in your twisted world that you think you’re being clever instead of what you’re actually being, which is an asshole.

No it means you don't understand the history of the connection and are trying to sound cleaver but just end up coming off dumb and uninformed, read your history while grown folks are talking!

Good on you for posting this knowing well there will be lots of people screeching about “I come to Kotaku for games journalism, not social justice”.  Everyone needs to pay attention, all ages, all races, all religions.  Only when people are paying attention will they actually comprehend what is going on around them.

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

This is the best response I’ve ever seen to that question. And sadly I hear people ask that frequently.

People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is

The line between the Black Diaspora rediscovering their heritage and approprition is a more nuanced conversation than clear yes or no that can be gleaned from screen shot showing the incorporation of the elements from different tribes/cultures into a fictional universe. The attempts of the displaced African diaspora

This is not an example of a race which is not oppressed taking the cultural trappings of an oppressed or ignored group and erasing their actual culture or narrative. So I’m not really sure what it is that you’re calling appropriative. This is the creation of an image of a fictional African nation making homage to the

That’s your take on this?

I liked hellboy the movie, until I read the comics.

Actually the physics aren’t the news here, the rendering is. Calculating the movement of that many particles has been possible for ages now. But see how all the grains and snowflakes are correctly lit, with each particle transmitting light to others smoothly. That’s difficult, and that’s what’s this video is about.

Lavos. The Destroyer of All Life.