Why the fuck are you shilling this F2P dogshit? What the fuck is wrong with you, Mike? I really hope they cut you a check for this because then it would just be normal sad instead of incredibly fucking pathetic.
Why the fuck are you shilling this F2P dogshit? What the fuck is wrong with you, Mike? I really hope they cut you a check for this because then it would just be normal sad instead of incredibly fucking pathetic.
I, too, miss the good old days of rampant pedophilic sodomy.
Angry, not mean.
Can’t even be bothered to proofread their own fucking HEADLINES.
So heavily discounting games results in dramatically higher sales?
Didn’t even bother to proofread your fucking HEADLINE.
Great article!
Continuing to frequent this website.
Imagine sticking up for Elon Musk on an anonymous website. What a fucking tool.
Awesome, this is exactly what I’ve been waiting for since the day I first bought Hue lights!!!
Fine, I’m not doing business with any Christians anymore because their backward and bigoted beliefs are contrary to my own and I will not be forced to do business with anyone I disagree with.
“Plot Summary: Four high school girls...”
Jeez, my face is red reading this. I’m pretty bad at this, and I know it, and I often apologize to my 3yo son after the fact, but I still feel awful.
I’d be willing to bet I’m the insane data spike they saw in Northern Kentucky and said “there’s no way this is accurate” and expunged me from the study.
I’m a wealthy white area and I can definitely corroborate.
Props for not writing it as “...that would SHOCK many parents,” I guess?
“To prove that we are fair and balanced and allow all viewpoints, we’ve decided to invite Jason Vorhees to our roundtable discussion on the disproportionate rate of people who...aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Jason has murdered everyone on stage.”
I go home when my shift is done. Any work I didn’t complete that shift will be moved to the subsequent shift.
No, I don’t miss anything that’s been discontinued. My absolute favorite items are the Cheesy Gordita Crunch and Baja Blast, and both of those will survive until the death of our sun.
I think it’s the Shittyfuck Gross-Ass Doritos Ranch Taco which was - finally - rightfully killed.