
She can always choose cake.

Stupid fucking rigorous peer-reviewed clinical studies!!!

Do you.....are you actually saying REALITY TV has existed for 100+ years? TELEVISION hasn’t even existed for 100+ years.

The advent of Reality TV is the exact moment humanity took a downward turn into a spiral from which we will never escape until our extinction.

Uh oh, looks like you’re out of Speech tokens! In order to make your character respond, you can use gems to refill your Speech and Action tokens - click here for a special $9.99 offer!

“For whatever reason, I’ve heard, they love each other, whatever...”

“...but [it’s] it is combat tweaks are some of [it’s] it is most powerful yet subtle pieces of game design.”

Dr. Lizardo, General Mills has made it quite explicit that Wheaties must be consumed for breakfast every morning in order to make one a champion. At no point has General Mills claimed, explicitly or implicitly, that a single serving of Wheaties would make one a champion. Were that the case, the world would be inundated

I don’t get it.  What’s the revelation here?  Were you previously unable to open the lidded container of mac-n-cheese and then place it on your sandwich?


Wait, smashing your skull against 300-pound men for seven years is bad for your brain? Have they done any studies on this?

“What is this, Niger? Are you kidding me? There’s literally a fucking country called the N-word but I’M the racist for saying it?”


Oh man, FUCK YES!!!  I can’t wait to see the sequel to Septopus.

-work in the service industry
-tell a customer to fuck off
-lose your job

Oh god, I’ve seen this happen way too often IRL and it always makes me cringe.

Really?? I do find it fascinating that AMERICAN Sign Language has more in common with German in terms of sentence structure. I guess I assumed it was just full proper English, only signed instead of spoken. It never dawned on me that it might have its own unique structure/grammar, but it does make sense.

For all my love and dabbling in learning foreign languages, I never really thought to invest in ASL. I might just take you up on your “at least learn the alphabet” suggestion - probably the best bang for the buck for maximum communication with minimal effort.

It’s the kind of fucking horseshit journalism “rules” that force you to read headlines like: