
Please don’t tell my husband that I don’t actually need to renew my bi membership every six months. Haha, I kid, I kid.

I’m bi and married to a man but dated women for many years. Most of my friends are lgbt. Every once in a while I’ll attend a mostly lesbian event with a larger group outside of my core friend group and I’ve been asked what I’m doing there after someone finds out I’m married to a man. My joke is that I got

So you wanted a friend and not just a roommate? She’s not in the kitchen eating your stuff or in the common areas crying or arguing with her own company, just being a loner. How does that affect service people?

He picks girls with ain’t shit parents. All of the adults in their lives failed them.

I suck at remembering to check my notifications, hopefully you’ll see my randomly late response.

You’re calling out Aaliyah’s uncle’s name but somehow dont know that in addition to the large settlements he’s paid to multiple minors’ families (through court lawsuits and outside payoffs) that some of the victims have come forward and done interviews?Because he knows how to use his money to game the legal system,

I’m pretty sure she meant the comment she was responding to was beautiful, not the blackface.

And Aaliyah dated Damon Dash which Kanye should know since he was like co founder of the Roc. Oh Kanye

I chanted USA USA after reading that and now I’m afraid I might be a puppy booer

Any man you date would also be somewhat of an experiment to see if you want to go down that path with that specific guy. If you’re open to it, date women too. It would certainly broaden your options.

I really enjoyed it too. I think I might be an undercover fan now.

I am sufficiently shamed and will definitely get one by this weekend.

The initial imaging problem we were fighting against though is more like a white guy with weed is viewed as a stoner, a black guy with weed is a thug. A trans? Up to no good. Exhausting

The police aren’t supposed to be the average person, they hold people’s lives in their hands. They’re taking away people’s freedom and lives based on their judgment. Understanding buzzwords and lingo in your profession is expected of everyone else. Their bar being lower, with such huge impact on lives that

While the guy who asked the trolling question may not be reachable, there was a larger audience of cops where I hope at least one could have benefited from the intended education.

Weeks on the best sellers’ list sounds like it was selling. A book cant sell in airport stores if it’s not moved from a cart in the back to a display shelf.

Would calling his own mixed race child nigger cancel each other out?

I imagined the rage my husband would feel if I was Tweeden in that pic. I don’t think his anger would differ if it was general pervy creep or funny creep.

If Ms. Corry was into watching Louis CK masturbate, he first threw out an invitation to get together during non work hours, they hung out and felt on the same page...a request for watching a jack off doesnt seem inappropriate.

Gray tears