She was weird will be carved into my tomb

(at the time, Gyllenhaal was 10 years her senior).

every time a man tells me to "stick to racing," my power grows stronger and I post two more articles about politics

I already feel like I’m playing Candyland while everyone else is playing 4th-dimensional chess. This doesn’t help. 

This comment is so funny to me because I am a millennial and when I was 11 I wanted to be famous and I remember like my grandpa being like “your generation is such a ‘look at me’ generation” and telling my mom about it and she was like “Oh yeah he said that to me when I was 15 and wanted to be in a girl band” (she’s a

Now playing

This looks pretty terrible. The movie I really want is based on, of all things, an Amazon Prime commercial I saw the other day:

This DB is kinda depressing so let’s focus on MTS and talk about how this flower swimsuit is both absurd and also I love it.  (And of course it goes without saying that Megan looks great.)

Kitchenette goes, Pissing Contest goes, but Dirt Bag is apparently not going anywhere.

I understand that this is dirtbag, so the flippant tone is expected, but it seems oddly callous and weird to me that you’re treating a situation involving alleged guardianship abuse as a sibling rivalry. If Britney Spears’ testimony is anything to go by, she holds her entire family responsible for the abuse she has

“I didn’t even want to be in them,” he continued, while visibly perspiring. “Who wants money and fame in some of the biggest movies of our time? I’m happy watching the old stuff anyways, back before it got mainstream. I definitely didn’t audition for the new ones, and never heard back, ahaha, why do you ask? Oh, you

It’s teamwork 101 to provide opportunities for people to interact that are casual and not strictly about work. You’re more likely to bend for a person you know and respect rather than a person you’re assuming is the picture of everything you’re against. It also gives you insight on their motivations and ultimate

who sold DC Comics to DJ Khaled?

She shouldn’t have said boo, because she had nothing for which to apologize.

I find your take on the Colin Quinn comeback to be quite different from my own. “I was not conditioned in a family of abuse to accept that abuse” is the message I take, and the ‘child of alcoholics’ line both makes it specific (therefore funny) and stingingly personal, since Quinn gives off a ‘Family of Boozers’ vibe.

‘yoga/mindful’ mom sounds insufferable, tbh.

Although I realize in retrospect how soulless and corporate the Starbucks music venture was, I was a young gay teenager in a small town at the time and I found their compilations so...sophisticated, I guess. Lol. I remember buying Putumayo world music compilations there, and a collection of French pop songs that I

I’ll bring the port, fruit, and fancy crackers.

Oh wow! It's the currency of our people, apparently.

And she did, as well, after she got his letter. Austen’s point is that they couldn’t fall in real love with the actual person until they gave up what they thought were their best attributes--being able to size up and judge another person the first time they met them. 

The fact that modern vehicles don’t have a button that makes it a well lit area by extending poles with high intensity LEDs, while illuminating the passenger compartment, starting multiple cameras streaming to offsite storage, and calling your mamma, the mayor and the press to boot, just goes to show that automakers

He also has some that make fun of specific cliches like “I, Your Stepbrother, Decline Your Advances.”