I don’t want to sound misandrist or racist (hahaha) but all these white men look the same to me.
I don’t want to sound misandrist or racist (hahaha) but all these white men look the same to me.
Women: We’re afraid for lots of reasons. For example, a woman was murdered by a police officer while she was walking home alone.
I forgot about those Satanic Cults. I remember feeling pretty gleeful that they were *obviously* going to steal my baby brother and sacrifice him- with so many Satanic cults sacrificing so many babies, it was only a matter of time until I was back to sweet sweet single-childhood.
I’m generally in favor of gamifying stuff, and some things that are easy for some people are hard for others, and growing up means something different to everybody... but it turns out this is my limit. HOW HARD IS IT TO BRUSH YOUR FREAKING TEETH? Is it that difficult to invest 4 minutes/day in oral care- 4 minutes…
I’m generally in favor of gamifying stuff, and some things that are easy for some people are hard for others, and…
So... she didn’t “literally swoon” when she met him, she mimicked swooning when retelling how she felt about meeting him. Those are two different things. This site just gets trashier and trashier by the day.
One time my partner and I were out when I had lost my voice, and he ordered for me (I had, from across the table, texted him what I wanted) and the server was incredibly rude to him until I explained that I really couldn’t talk at all. We had a good laugh about it but I still think that server was awesome.
My doctorate is in evolutionary biology, and I think 90% of evolutionary psychology is “I would like to justify my shitty behavior with a very poor understanding of selective pressure and inheritance”
I see your point, definitely. On the other hand, it’s these articles that remind me, “oh yeah, that [bleep][bleeping][bleep][redacted] excuse for a politician still exists” and that I always need to donate money to her opponents when she’s up for reelection. I’ve got a limited amount of brainpower for senators that…
I’d watch that.
WHAT? I did not know this! I think I just read her books when I was a preteen and didn’t really believe authors are real people so it never occurred to me.
These are actually the titles of my next 6 presentations at work.
I have several of these, they’re fantastic for stacking so my laptop is at just the right height for my zoom piano lessons. I appreciate that somebody wrote, and somebody published, so many words just so I can get the right camera angle for the keyboard.
Alright Dads, if you want to save your daughters, we’re going to need you to step up and start taking serious action around climate change. You want to really get in there and fight about something, think about single-use plastics, they’re killing us.
I’m not really sure who these “communities” are supposed to be for. My partner and I are maybe in, or adjacent to, their stated demographic (income- wise, potentially mobile, working in tech, etc). I don’t really know anyone who would want to go to a cheese or wine tasting in a communal room in a glorified apartment…
Selling music to people who only want to scratch the surface of a genre! Us *real* people know that if you’re not willing to buy the 16-disc John Coltrane box set, you shouldn’t be listening to jazz at all.
It seems weird to outline how they were sunk by the way music consumption changed with the internet, and then say “It’s almost as though a coffeemaker wasn’t meant to hawk music after all.”
Fancy cheese is the indicator of food stability, isn’t it? I haven’t been poor or gone hungry in so long, yet sometimes I just have to splurge on fancy cheese because I can.
I think the reason it works in P&P- and doesn’t in real life- is because her rejection of him causes him to re-examine his own behavior, and to reassess his understanding of who she is.
Let’s plan a 5K to raise awareness about the lack of awareness of how shitty “race for the cure” is
This gem deserves all the stars.